In Yang Jiajiang, the last appearance of the Eight Kings was in the 45th time: The Eight Kings in the Forbidden Palace prayed for a battle, and their lives were endless.
The Eight Kings thanked them, and I took them to the temple and said, "The country is lucky to have you safe."
Eight kings: "Thanks to your majesty's blessing, dogs and horses should wait on you." Zhenzong was very happy and ordered a celebration banquet to treat all officials with courtesy. On that day, the monarch and his subjects drank happily. The day is coming, the ministers will feast and the eight kings will go out of the east gate.
A reporter from a leading military academy said: "A white-fronted tiger rushed at people from the east of the city, and people were frightened. Today, it goes directly to the East. "
Hearing this, the Eight Kings got off and took a look. When they saw the crowd waiting in line, their tiger roared in. Even if I take a carved bow, I'm still pulling a string to get an arrow and killing a tiger with one arrow. Its tiger ran away with an arrow.
People from all walks of life rushed to the Jinshui River, but there was no trace, so they reported to the Eight Kings. The Eight Heavenly Kings were shocked for a long time. Back in the house, my old illness recurred, and then I could get up.
That is to say, in the original Yang Jiajiang, after the Eight Kings killed a tiger, his old illness recurred and he died.
02, the historical prototype of the Eight Kings.
Zhao Kuangyin's fourth son, Zhao, was named after the Eight Kings in his storytelling and drama series, but the real Zhao died at the age of 23, which is a disease recorded in history books. It is said that Emperor Taizong wept bitterly, chased the king of Chu and gave him his surname.
When I arrived in Song Huizong, Huizong made Zhao King of Qin. I think it's probably because Zhao died early, but he was very fertile, leaving three sons and two daughters. The three sons, like their father, are particularly prolific. Eldest brother Zhao gave birth to two, second son Mr. zhaowei gave birth to seven, and third son zhaowei gave birth to three. These are sons, not daughters.
It is very likely that the speed of spreading branches and leaves is true, and it is reasonable to give their grandparents who died early a commemorative seal.
But he died at the age of 23, saying that he died of illness is as full of doubts as "the sound of candles and axes". As the actual second heir of the empire, he probably died in the power struggle of the imperial court, because he died early, so even if his name is similar, I don't think he is likely to be the prototype of the Eight Kings. At most, he just borrowed a shell to make up a story.
Second, Song Taizong's eighth son, Round Zhao Yuan, died of illness at the age of 60 and was called the Eight Kings.
According to "Tales of Song People":
"Round Zhao Yuan, the eighth son of Emperor Taizong, is very famous abroad. When Yanji's children cry at night, the family will warn them and say,' Eight Kings are coming'. Its fear is so. "
Zhao is the only important official in the history of China who has collected four books and five classics, and is known as a sage. These four sets are as follows:
The imperial edict is unnamed, praise and worship are unnamed, and it is unpopular to enter the DPRK. The sword is in the temple.
As powerful as Cao Cao Sima Yi, he only received three worshippers. Who doesn't want to go to court? It can be seen that Zhao was very trusting at that time. It is said that he also has a nickname, Twenty-eight Pacific Insurance, because princes usually move out to live, but because Taizong loves Zhao Yanyuan very much, he was allowed to go out to live at the age of twenty, so he was called Twenty-eight Pacific Insurance because he did eight things.
Ye Zhao is an excellent politician, calligrapher and writer. He is versatile and famous all over the country. He is also known as the Eight Immortals King.
At first glance, Zhao's life configuration is very similar to the Eight Heavenly Kings in other novels, so he has always been a popular candidate for the prototype of the Eight Heavenly Kings.