The beauty of the husband's three ends is not to use the pen first; Among the six arts, the silver hook is the most important. Yesterday, the prime minister of Qin dynasty saw Zhou Muwang's book and sighed for seven days, suffering from its bonelessness; Cai Shangshu went to Hongdu for a visit, but did not return for ten days, so he left the group. So few people know the source, and many people listen to reason. In modern times, we have never learned from the past, but abandoned the Tao because of our feelings and only remembered our own names, or we should not learn from the past and know nothing about the past, thus leading to successful failure and spiritual waste. Since you have no inspiration, you can't talk to me! Today, the deletion of Li Si's "Bimiao" is even more polished, with seven articles, which will be a model for future generations and a gentleman in the future.
The pen should be collected in August and September. The pen is one inch long, the tube is five inches long, and the front is waist-high. Its inkstone is fried with new stone, moist and astringent, floating and bright. Its ink is pine smoke from Lushan Mountain and antler glue from Dai Jun County, which is stronger than stone for more than ten years. Paper takes dongyang fish eggs, which are empty, smooth and clean. To learn calligraphy, learn to write first. If calligraphy is authentic, write two inches and one minute. If you write cursive script, you should write three inches a minute. When you pick up the pen, you must do your best to send it. Beginners should learn big books before they grow up. Good writers don't write, and good writers don't read. Those who are good at writing have many bones, while those who are not good at writing have many bones; Skinny and fleshy are called muscle books, and fleshy ones are called ink pigs; Strength and strength are sacred, weakness and muscle deficiency are morbid. 1 1. Use it from its news.
A horizontal cloud is like a thousand miles, but it is tangible.
As the peak comes out, it is as real as a collapse.
The rhinoceros elephant is broken.
Fold a hundred bows and arrows.
∣ [vertical] Long live the withered vine.
, [si] breaking waves and thunder
Cross-folded hook crossbow tendons.
The seven pen arrays on the right go in and out in the cutting diagram. There are seven ways to write it. Those who are impatient, those who write slowly, those who write slowly. If the pen is close but not tight, the heart and hand are uneven, and the former will be defeated; If the pen is far and urgent, the one who intends to write first wins. There are also six kinds of pens: the structure is as vigorous as seal cutting, the wind is like grass, the risk is like eight points, the graceful entry and exit is like flying white, the standing is like a crane head, and the depression is like an ancient plum. However, the heart is curved, and every word is wonderful. Yonghe four years, Shangyu system.
In ancient times, the wonderful use of three terminals did not precede the use of pens; The mystery of six arts is not more important than calligraphy. Li Si, the former prime minister of Qin Dynasty, saw Zhou Muwang's calligraphy and sighed for seven days. He was not satisfied with his brushwork. Cai Yong went to Hongdu to watch the monument and could not bear to return for a hundred days. He kept praising those excellent inscriptions, so he knew little about the origin of Tongda's book and calligraphy. In modern times, they did not learn from the ancients, but deviated from books by interest and only remembered their own names. Some of them have no knowledge and knowledge, which leads to no achievement and wastes their spirit. Therefore, people who have no connection with the gods and can influence others are not enough to talk to them about this. At present, Li Si's Bimiao has been edited and revised to make it complete. To sum up, there are seven articles, and the description is listed on the left, which will always be a model for future generations. I hope future learners have time to look at it. The bristles should be taken from the rabbit hair on the steep mountain and hunted in August and September. The pen should be one inch long, the tube should be five inches long, the front hair should be neat, and the front waist should be strong. The inkstone should be light black and dry new stone, which can give consideration to lubrication and stagnation, and can glow the luster of ink. As for ink, pine smoke from Lushan Mountain and antler glue from Dai Jun County should be raw materials made more than ten years ago. Paper should be made of Dongyang fish egg paper, which is soft and smooth. If you want to learn to write, you must first learn how to write. If it is a photo book, you must write two inches. If it's cursive, take a three-inch pen. The next pen is full of twists and turns, and we must do our best. Beginners should learn big characters first, not small ones. Those who are good at appreciating are not good at writing, and those who are good at writing are not good at appreciating. People who are good at writing are skinny, but those who are not good at writing are human flesh. Those with more bones and less meat are called "Jin Shu" and those with more bones and less meat are called "Mo Zhu". It is advisable to have more strength and muscles, but it is wrong to be weak without muscles. We should learn the mystery, understand the essence and use it reasonably.
Horizontal painting: like a thousand miles of clouds, it actually has different shapes and different heights.
Side point: Like a stone falling from a mountain peak, it is actually collapsing.
Skimming: Feng Hua can cut off rhinoceros horn ivory on land.
Gabe: Like a bow and arrow.
Nubi: It's as knotty and thin as a dead vine.
Backflip: Be as good as Xu Chi.
Bow posture: be as vigorous as a strong crossbow.
On the right, there are seven pen arrays coming in and out. There are seven situations in writing.
Sometimes it is urgent but not tight, sometimes it is loose but tight. The pen is close but not tight, and the intentional pen succeeds first. So there are six ways to use the pen: the structural font and layout are complete, such as seal cutting; The brushwork is elegant, free and unrestrained, like Zhang Cao; The waves are as dangerous as stereotyped writing; The elegant brushwork is like a flying white paper; The strokes stand upright like a crane's head book; As vigorous as ancient Li. However, it is necessary to think carefully and carefully, and then create a word, each with its own shape, in order to achieve a wonderful situation and exhaust the whole book. Years old in Yonghe for four years, painting and writing in Shangyu.