(2) Read and paste carefully. Furthermore, read the post carefully before copying. How to write the words on the post by stippling, how to arrange the structure and how to arrange the rules, we should carefully ponder and find out the rules, so that it is easy to write with interest, and it is easy to write well. When copying, don't be greedy for more and be quick. Stick to it for an hour or two every day and copy a few words repeatedly, so that you will get real gains. For words that are difficult to write, it is even more necessary to learn from the difficulties, copy more and compare more.
(3) besides copying, you should also know how to recite, memorize and use. Reciting means writing without reading the post, so that you can write the words on the post without reading the post, and strive to be beautiful; The core is to check the words written on the back with the words on the post. See if there are any mistakes, and be good at finding your own shortcomings, so as to correct them; Use is practice, applying what you have learned to real life, and consolidating and improving what you have learned in practice.
(4) learn from others. After copying a copybook, you should learn from others and present some other copybooks.