What methods are there to make special effects text?

Start photoshop cs5, execute the file-new command, and create a new document with a size of 800*600, a resolution of 72 and a black background color.


Switch to the Channels panel, click the Create New Channel button, create a new channel alpha 1, and select the text tool in the toolbox.

On the canvas, the text content is "Heaven rewards diligence", the font is set to Wang Xizhi's calligraphy font, and the size is set to 150.

Adjust its position, press ctrl+d to cancel the selection, execute the Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur command, set the radius to 4 pixels in the pop-up dialog box, and click OK.

Create a new copy of alpha 1, execute the Filter-Other-Displacement command, set the horizontal and vertical values to 3 in the pop-up dialog box, check Set as Background, and click OK.

Execute the image-calculation command, set the mixed difference in the pop-up dialog box, save alpha 1 and the copied channel in the new channel, and click OK.

Execute the command Image-Adjust-Auto Levels, and set the value to 20, 1, 255 in the pop-up dialog box. Click OK to adjust the color scale.

Then execute the image-adjustment-curve command, set the output as 225 and the input as 244 in the curve dialog box that pops up, and click OK.

Execute the image calculation command, select alpha 1 and alpha2 as channels in the pop-up dialog box, mix them into strong light, and click OK.

Execute the select-select all command, press ctrl+c to copy, switch to rgb channel, press ctrl+v to paste, and switch to the layer panel to generate a new layer.

Select the gradient tool in the toolbox, select a gradient, set it to radial gradient, change the mode to color, and drag it on the canvas to produce a gradient.

Execute the file-save as command, enter the name "special effect text" in the pop-up dialog box, and find a suitable location to save it.