J'aimerai inventer une machine a voyager dans le temps, I want to invent a machine that can travel in time, Remonter au moment ou tu etais encore heureuse, take you back to those days when you are still happy Come back to those moments when you didn't have any worries and worries, it was all about winning you over. .. Do you think I will fail? Then you are wrong, because I will succeed... ...tu pourras me traiter de fou, de singler, say you don't love me... you might think me a lunatic, Tu pourras dire que nous n'appartenons pas au meme monde, you will say we don't belong to the same world pourras dire qu'il ya un abime entre nous deux, you will say there is a gap between you and me Tu pourras meme dire que tu en aims un autre... You will also say you love someone else...Je jouerai I would rather be deaf in order not to hear these words. I fight for your liking. I fight for your liking. Never give in, because you are my life and my biggest challenge! Plus tard, je serai dans tes moment de tristesse, de doute, de crinte, wait a moment, I will be plunged into sorrow, doubt, fear Pour te soutenir To support youJe t'apporterai la joie, quoiqu'il m'en coute , I will bring you happiness, no matter how high the cost, J'assecherai les oceans, j'aplatirai les montagnes, I will drain the seas, I will level the mountains, Pour que tu sois heureuses.
To make you happy. I will continue until you admit that I really love you, and you will love me too In return for me, well, will I win? ..Mmm...une machine a remonter le temps... mmm...a time travel machine Tu me fait tourner en bourrique tout le temps! You always make me look like a fool!