Because Wang Xizhi was an official of the Youjun general and an internal historian of Kuaiji, he was called Wang Youjun. Wang Xizhi was a famous writer and calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. When you are young, you are slow to talk, but when you are long, you can argue. Known for its bones. He was secretary Lang at first and moved to Jiangzhou to be the governor. Later he became the general of the Right Army and the internal historian of Kuaiji. In his later years, he did not serve as an official. A good calligrapher can learn from the strengths of others and become a self-contained entity. Many people in later generations were influenced by him and were revered as the "Sage of Calligraphy".
The title of the article is concealed by the title of the book. The letters and miscellaneous posts written by him either generously talk about national affairs, or describe the interests of life and contacts with friends. They are written in a way that is different from the popular.
Literary Works
Wang Xizhi created a large number of works throughout his life. However, due to the changes in dynasties and frequent wars, no authentic works have been handed down to the world so far. Wang Xizhi's cursive calligraphy and ink-filled copies that are still extant include Kuai Xue Shi Qing Tie, Feng Ju Tie, Sang Luan Three Tie, Ping An Zhi, Kong Shizhong Tie, Auntie Tie and Lanting Tie. "Preface" and so on, and the handed down running script tablet version includes "Preface to the Holy Religion".
Among them, the "Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion" has been recited for a long time. While describing the banquet of celebrities at Orchid Pavilion, the article also depicts the beauty of the landscape and expresses feelings about life and death. The whole text is written in one go, and the writing style is fresh and beautiful.