On one occasion, the emperor said to Liu Gongquan, who was driving with Weiyang official, "I have a happy event: for a long time, the clothes of the border officers were never delivered in time, but in February this year, I finally delivered their spring clothes in time." Hearing this, Liu Gongquan repeatedly congratulated him. I didn't know that the emperor was in a good mood and in high spirits. He said, "I haven't finished congratulating you. I can congratulate you with poems. " The maid-in-waiting eunuch wanted to please the emperor and urged Liu Gongquan together. Liu Gongquan took his time. Within three steps, he wrote a poem: "Although there was no war last year, I didn't return this year. How can I repay the kindness of the emperor? I get spring clothes in spring. "
According to legend, Kou Zhun was gifted at an early age and could write poems at the age of seven. Everyone called him a "prodigy". One day, his father gave a banquet to entertain guests, and one of them suggested, "I heard your son's good poem, so please improvise one." How about it? " The host took advantage of drunkenness and replied, "well, let the children write poems for entertainment, or ask you face to face." So he ordered his family to call little Kou Zhun out and let him recite poems to the guests. Little Kou Zhun smiled casually and said, "Please give me a question." The guest said, "We are not far from Huashan Mountain in Xiyue, so let's write a song about Huashan Mountain." Kou Zhun paced up and down in front of the guests, thought about it, one step, two steps, and just took the third step, he said happily, "I see!" I casually wrote a five-character quatrain. The poem says: "only the sky is above, there is no mountain and harmony;" Looking up at the red sun, the white clouds hang low. " In a few words, the majestic momentum of Xiyue Huashan was revealed, and everyone was amazed.