Confucius said: "If people don't take a long-term view, they will have immediate worries. "
Part I: People who have no long-term worries will have near worries.
Bottom line: He abandoned sadness and affection.
"The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong": "Confucius said: People who have no long-term worries must have near worries." The Analects of Justice explains: "If you are not far away from worry, you will be worried, so it is called near worry." "On the Outline of Xunzi" said: "Think about things first, worry about troubles first. Take care of things first, and then you can succeed. If you worry first, you will be prepared, and if you are prepared, you will not be born. Those who are worried about the aftermath are called sleepy, and there is no defense when they are sleepy. " But people should have foresight, and the calendar is valued by Confucianism.
There used to be a saying that what a person is like now determines what he will be like in five years, depending on what he has done, what books he has read and who he is with.
If a person has no plan, no plan, and muddles along every day, he will certainly encounter a lot of troubles.
It is better to plan ahead and plan ahead than to walk.