Tao Te Ching Laozi’s views on love

Lao Tzu has such a wonderful saying. Lao Tzu said, "In the past, those who obtained one thing: the sky got one to make it clear; the earth got one to make it peaceful; the gods got one to make it spiritual; the grain got one to make it full. "Everything can be brought into being by having oneness; the princes and kings can be regarded as chaste by having oneness."

Laozi said that throughout the ages, all those who have oneness are wonderful. , the sky will be clear and blue; the earth will be peaceful; the gods will be efficacious; the valleys will be full; he said, all things will grow; the princes will be able to be kings. Comrades think that if your love is one, you will definitely succeed. What is "one"? "One" is what Laozi calls "Tao". Once you get the "one" and get the "way", you will be perfect.

In this diverse society, diverse love, and diverse marriages, many bubble loves, bubble marriages, and bubble families often arise, not just bubble economies. After being married for a few months, they immediately divorced. Isn’t that a bubble family? There are too many, too many, so Laozi’s wisdom keeps us in the bubble, allows us to clearly grasp this “one” in the midst of diversity, and grasp this “one” in the midst of diversity, how awesome! How wise! When talking about "getting one", what is the "one" in marriage? How to "get one" in marriage? The "one thing" in marriage is love. Because love is the foundation of marriage, the first thing you need to do is get love.

Let us ask again, what is the "getting one" of love? The "getting one" of love is true love, true love. Because love is true, love can be sincere. Without true love, it is false love, false marriage, bubble love, and bubble marriage. If we ask further, what is the "one" of true love? The "one" of true love is love. Because only the true love of love can make the heart love. If the heart does not love each other, there is no true love. So we also call it the "one" of love and marriage. In the final analysis, when it comes to "getting one", this "one" is the "Tao" of love. Get this "one", your love will be happy, your love will be happy, and your family will be happy.

If two people fall in love, have love, get married, and start a family, you get this "one", get this way of love, your love, the world of the two of you, how can this world be Isn't it clear? The world you two own, how can this world be restless? You can see "one". The sky is clear and the earth is peaceful for your love and marriage. You are so beautiful and happy. Lao Tzu teaches us that to gain oneness is to gain the Tao.