His calligraphy was first studied under the disciple of Kang Lizi Mountain, and he practiced hard in Zhao School. Later, he caught up with Wei and Jin Dynasties and learned the wisdom of Zhong and Wang. Finally, in the shadow of Yuan people, he stood out from the calligraphy circle in the early Ming Dynasty and became an unparalleled calligraphy master of that era, and was highly praised by his predecessors Yang Weizhen and others. Yang said in the postscript of "The Ancient Songs of Tieya": "() I have written the calligraphy of You Gongzhu, and I am specially appointed to write it."
Song Ke is good at Cao Zhang, small letters and cursive script, especially Cao Zhang. His brushwork is based on the portrait of the French emperor, urgent chapter, and he devoted a lot of energy to this post. He wrote all his life until he was 60 years old. His brushwork was strong and his style was simple. It was his masterpiece with both the form and the spirit of ancient law. Since Zhao Mengfu began to learn from Cao Zhang in Yuan Dynasty, the study of this style has become a common practice, and there are many outstanding figures in it, but Song Ke's achievement is undoubtedly the highest. In fact, he was not only the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, but also one of the most outstanding figures in the whole history of Cao Zhang.
Regarding Song Ke's lower case, Weng Fanggang's Collected Works of Fu Chuzhai said: "Song was the first lower case in Ming Dynasty." His lower case letters were first imitated by Zhao Mengfu, and later by Zhong You and Wang Xizhi, especially Zhong. There are works such as Miracle's All Wrong Records.
Song Ke's cursive script is a unique style of mixing Cao Zhang with weeds, which can be said to be the most important stop on the road of calligraphy innovation in the early Ming Dynasty. His cursive script was deeply influenced by Kang Shan. However, compared with Kang Richi, he can not only completely integrate the brushwork and structure of Wild Grass, but also make his brushwork more colorful and magnificent, which fully shows Song Xin's extraordinary artistic creativity. Masterpieces of cursive script that have been handed down to this day include Du Fu's Zhuang You Shi and Jin Xue's Pian Juan.