Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. I saw an old man selling a hexagonal fan in Lushan. The Book of Xi has its fans, and each fan has five roles. There is sorrow at the beginning of the sun. Xi's reason is that Mu said, "But I said Wang Youjun's book to get a hundred dollars." Like he said, someone made an offer. See Xihe again in the future and ask him for a book. Xihe just laughed.
Wang Xizhi's translation of Hexagonal Fan:
Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He once saw an old woman selling hexagonal bamboo fans in Lushan. Wang Xizhi wrote five words on the fan she sold. The old woman began to get a little angry. So Wang Xizhi said to the old woman, "As long as you say it was written by Wang Youjun, you can sell it for several hundred dollars." The old woman did as he said, and sure enough, everyone rushed to buy fans. A few days later, the old woman asked Wang Xizhi to write again. Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer.
Summary: Wang Xizhi is a kind and principled person.
1. Seeing the old woman who was forced by life to sell fans on the street, she kindly wrote an inscription, expecting a better income.
2. The old woman asked for an inscription again. Although Wang Xizhi could help her, she didn't write it.