Wang Mang (45 BC-23 AD) was a concubine and a new founder in the late Western Han Dynasty. King of words Wang, nephew of Emperor Han Yuan. In his early years, he was diligent and knowledgeable, filial to his mother, caring for his widowed brother and son, and was famous for his virtue. When he became emperor, he was named the new capital Hou. At the time of the emperor's funeral, two consorts, Ding and Fu, assisted in the administration of state affairs, and Wang Mang was forced to leave and stayed at home. When Emperor Ai died, the king took Empress Dowager Tai as his courtier, made Wang Mang as Fu, made Emperor Ping and took charge of state affairs. So he eliminated dissidents, appointed Han imperial clan, descendants of heroes, senior officials of the DPRK and China, and widely planted party followers, which won the support of many people. After the death of Emperor Ping, he changed the 2-year-old boy to emperor and called himself "the false emperor" in the name of Regent.
Wang Jian Tomb is the tomb of Wang Jian (847-9 18), the first emperor of Shu before the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (907-967) in China.
Yan Wang (899? —926), the son of Wang Jian, the ancestor of Shu, 1 1, the last emperor of former Shu (the second generation, reigned 9 19 ~ 925), reigned for 7 years. At the beginning, Wang Jian's eldest son (Crown Prince) Wang Yi insulted Wang Jian's favorite minister, Tang Dao, and was abolished. He was made a prince. In 9 18, Wang Jian died. He succeeded to the throne and was the queen of Shu.