This poem is from the Six Ancestors Tanjing, the first paragraph! Huineng went to see Master Wu Zuren and asked for Buddhism. Wuzu ordered his disciples to write a poem to see if they were enlightened. Whoever has a well-written and truly enlightened sister-in-law can use it as a tool and pass on her ancestral throne to him. Master Shen Xiu was a professor under the seat of Five Ancestors at that time. Write a note on the wall: "You are a bodhisattva tree, and your heart is like a mirror platform. Wipe hard, don't make dust! " After reading it, Huineng also wrote for him: "Bodhi has no trees, and the mirror is not a stage. There's nothing. Where can it cause dirt? " The fifth ancestor secretly preached the dharma and handed it over, and Huineng was the sixth ancestor!
The meaning of this song is: Bodhi is invisible. If you still cling to a bodhi tree, you still have no phase. Bodhi is mind knowledge, not body knowledge. The same is true of the heart, which is invisible, but can produce all kinds of magic. The mind is universal and cannot be fixed by a certain image. The true Buddha nature is to be persistent without thinking, to be pure and dyed, to increase and decrease, and to come and go all his life. Therefore, not holding the heart is a mirror, which is the opposite heart, separating the heart and choosing the heart. Clear mind and clear space means no dust. Why try?
The realm of this song is the realm of an enlightened person. Bodhi is invisible, and so is the heart. Originally, all the laws were illusions, and nothing was true. Why not make dust?