Aristotle was the first book to make a comparative study of the political system. On the basis of comparative study of ancient Greek city-states, he put forward the principles and standards for dividing political systems and outlined his ideal political system. This book contains a large number of examples of the political system of ancient Greek city-states.
Politics is Aristotle's monograph on the study of regime, which has many academic values. It plays an irreplaceable role in understanding the situation of Greek society at that time, understanding the political, legal, ethical and educational thoughts of ancient Greeks, and studying Aristotle's theory.
Although this is a monograph on political issues, Aristotle put forward some educational ideas from the perspective of the relationship between education and politics in the process of discussing and explaining various regimes of slavery and their ruling forms.
brief introduction
Before Aristotle, the discussion of politics could not be separated from the exploration of ethics. For example, Plato confused individual justice with national justice, that is, ethical and political issues, in the Republic. In Aristotle's politics, the two are completely separated.
His discussion of ethical issues also includes another book, Ethics. The separation of ethical issues and political issues is the main condition for the political "independence" of the exploiting class to become a system. Of course, the complete separation of ethics and politics remains to be seen in NiccoloMachiavelli's book On Monarchy (1469-1527). However, the relative separation of politics and ethics cannot be said of the political science originated from Aristotle.
Politics is a book compiled by Aristotle from 384 BC to 322 BC. Politics has various values. The world can not only understand the social situation in Greece at that time, but also get a preliminary understanding of the fields of ethics, politics and ideological education in Greece. Politics is necessary for scholars who later studied Aristotle's thought.
In Politics, Aristotle discussed the formation process of slavery and the relationship between education and politics from the formation process of slavery. In addition, Aristotle's educational thought can also be seen in politics.