original text
Xie Taifu wandered around Dongshan, and sometimes went to the sea with Sun Xinggong and others. The wind and the clouds are surging, and Sun and Wang are in harmony, and they sing it back. The teacher looks like a king and says nothing. The boatman pretends that it's not too late to go. As the wind turned nasty and the waves were fierce, everyone was noisy and didn't sit down. Xu Gongyun: "So, there will be no return!" Everyone answered and returned. Therefore, judging its number is enough to stabilize the ruling and opposition parties.
When Xie An lived in seclusion in Dongshan, he went to sea with Sun Chuo and others. Suddenly, Sun Chuo, Wang Xizhi and others all looked flustered and shouted back. Xie An interest is strong, meditation. The boatman saw Xie An with a happy face and continued to row into the sea.
Soon the wind and waves became stronger, and everyone couldn't sit still and kept making noise. Xie An said slowly, "If this is chaotic, we can't go back, can we?" Everyone nodded in response at once, and the boatman immediately turned around and went back. According to this incident, the world examines Xie An's generosity, which is enough to guard the court and stabilize the country.
Knowledge expansion:
Xie Taifu, whose real name is Xie An and whose word is Anshi, is a famous politician and calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was born in Chenjun, Yang Xia (now Taikang, Henan). He was enterprising and patriotic since he was a child, and he also performed well in cultural cultivation and dealing with people. Known as "moral model" and "cultural celebrity".
When Xie Taifu was young, he was called "a handsome man with outstanding literary talent". He has served in many official positions, including official ministers, official ministers, servants, etc., and went to the Northern Expedition many times, making outstanding contributions to the national cause of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
In addition to his political achievements, Xie Taifu is also an outstanding calligrapher and cultural celebrity. He has a profound knowledge of calligraphy and is good at calligraphy forms such as running script and cursive script. His calligraphy works are called "Xie Ti" by later generations and become one of the treasures of ancient calligraphy art in China.
At the same time, Xie Taifu is also a cultural celebrity. He pays attention to cultural inheritance and promotion, and has high attainments in literature, music, painting and other fields. His poetry, prose and other literary works have been compiled into Collected Works of Xie Taifu by later generations, which has become one of the classics of ancient China literature.
Xie Taifu's noble personality, both civil and military, made outstanding contributions to the political stability and cultural prosperity of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. After his death, he was canonized as a teacher and prime minister, and was named as "Wen Jing", which was praised as "an eternal celebrity" by later generations.
Xie Taifu has a far-reaching position and influence in history. His personality charm and cultural attainments were not only highly respected at that time, but also became a model and model for later generations. His stories and thoughts were widely circulated, which had a far-reaching impact on China's ancient culture and moral construction.