Wang Chong was gifted at a young age. His father Wang Zhen is a businessman, but he likes to make friends with painters. He made close friends with a group of officials, such as Tang Yin and others. Wang Chong had the opportunity to learn from the famous artists of the State of Wu at that time, and his talent was very high. Therefore, the calligraphy and painting skills involved are profound, especially the calligraphy skills, and the reputation of calligraphy is growing. Later, he filled Wu with poems and titles.
Wang Chong's artistic talent made him famous as "celebrities belong to him for a while" and became one of the main commanders of the Wumen Calligraphy School. In order to change his fate, Wang Chong naturally chose the road of imperial examination, but his career fate was as bad as that of Zhu Yunming and Wen Zhiming. From the age of seventeen to thirty-eight, he failed in the provincial examination eight times in twenty-one years, and all the people under his guidance went to high school as they wished and successfully embarked on their careers. Finally, Wang Chong became a student of imperial academy Imperial College, known as "Wang Gongshi" and "Wang Taixue". Repeated failures in the imperial examinations dampened Wang Chong's ambition to make contributions, so he had to indulge in the mountains and rivers in Wuzhong, forget calligraphy and painting, and live a life of "forgetting when encountering beautiful scenery, or sometimes dying in the long forest and grass". A thousand years' thinking on singing poems and leaning on chairs. "Life. However, Wang Chong died young and finished his life at the age of forty.