2. Original text:
As the old Chinese saying goes: "The granary knows etiquette, and food and clothing know honor and disgrace." Rites are born with something, but abandoned with nothing. Therefore, a gentleman is rich and good at his virtue; Little people have money and can do what they can. Deep and fish live, mountains are deep and beasts go, and people are rich and benevolent. Rich people get benefits, and lost people make guests feel unhappy. Yidi is very helpful.
As the saying goes, "the son of a thousand daughters will never die in the market." This is not empty talk. Therefore: "the world is bustling, all for profit; The world is bustling, all for profit. " The king of thousands of people, the king of thousands of families and the king of hundreds of families are still poor, but what about the people who form a family!
3. Translation:
Guo Xue said, "You can only know honor and disgrace if you have enough food and clothing." Rites are born with something, but abandoned with nothing. Therefore, a gentleman is rich and willing; The villain has money and appropriate strength. The water is deep, the fish are raw, the mountains are deep, and the animals are scattered. People are rich and righteous. The rich get more obvious, and it is useless to lose the advantage and be unhappy. Yidi is more serious.
As the saying goes, "a man with a daughter will not die in the street." This is not empty talk. Therefore, it is said: "The world is bustling, all for profit; The world is bustling, all for profit. " Thousands of kings, thousands of princes, and hundreds of families are still worried about poverty, let alone ordinary people!