2. Wang Xizhi: chic and delicate; Ou Yangxun: vigorous and vigorous; strict discipline; dignified and dignified; Liu Gongquan: rigorous structure.
There is no text in the book, so I'll introduce something else. )
Wang Xianzhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was the seventh son of Wang Xizhi. He practiced calligraphy with his father since he was a child, and he was ambitious. Wang Xianzhi began to practice calligraphy when he was young. He was very studious. When I was practicing calligraphy, my father Wang Xizhi came over and suddenly took out his pen. But because Wang Xianzhi held the pen tightly, he didn't take it off. After that, Wang Xianzhi practiced hard for several years, practicing a whole 18 tank of water, and his calligraphy made rapid progress, reaching the level of thorough paper back and perfection, and he was called "two kings" with his father Wang Xizhi.
(absolutely original)