Zhong Yao said about calligraphy: "The handwriting is the boundary, and the beauty is the person." The strokes of calligraphy flow from people... Calligraphy is the person's fingers, wrists and hearts. Use the brush to create beautiful strokes. Bones and tendons can be said to be the essence of strokes, but to achieve the realm of bones and tendons, it is a matter of expression. Bones and tendons, from their very nature, are expressions of brushwork rather than forms. The teacher believes that calligraphy uses the fingers, wrist and heart to move the brush to draw lines. There are bones, flesh, tendons, blood and energy in these handwritings, and the "intention" of the calligrapher has been expressed through this. In particular, he talked about the "coherence of blood" in the cursive strokes, and how they turn and guide "these methods are not easy to do with the shape and quality of strokes, but they are actually integrated into the artistic conception."