1. Once upon a time, there was a man who was planning to go hunting but did not know the falcon. He bought a wild duck and went hunting in the wilderness. When rabbits came out in the field, he would release the wild ducks and let them attack the rabbits. The wild duck couldn't fly and fell to the ground. He released the wild duck again, but it still fell to the ground. This was repeated three or four times. The wild duck suddenly waddled up to the hunter and said to the hunter like a human being: "I am a duck. Kill me and eat me. This is my duty. How can I throw the litter away?" "What pain will you bring to me?" The hunter said, "I thought you were a falcon and could catch rabbits, but you are actually a duck?" The wild duck raised his paws to show the man, and said to him with a smile, "Look. Look at my hands, can I catch that rabbit?"
2. There is a man in Qi who is good at identifying the advantages and disadvantages of dogs. His neighbor asked him to find a dog that could catch mice. After a year, the man found one and said, "This is an excellent dog!" The neighbor kept the dog for several years, but the dog did not catch mice. He told the situation to the man who was good at identifying dogs. The man who was good at identifying dogs said: "This is indeed a good dog. It wants to catch wild animals such as deer, elk, pigs, and deer, not mice. If you want it to catch mice, you have to catch it." "The neighbor really tied up the dog's hind legs. This dog caught the mouse.
3. There was a rich family who got two wolf pups by chance, mixed them with the family dogs, and raised them together. The two wolves also lived peacefully with the dogs. As time went by, they became quite obedient, and actually forgot that they were wolves in nature. One day, the owner was sleeping in the hall during the day and heard many dogs making angry whining sounds. He woke up, got up and saw that no one was around. Then he lay down to sleep, and the dogs made the same whining sounds as before. So the owner pretended to sleep and waited to see what would happen. The two wolves took advantage of their master's unconsciousness and were about to bite his throat when the dog stood up to stop them from advancing. So the master killed the two wolves and cut off their skins. The statement of wolfish ambition is indeed credible, not a slander! On the surface, they pretend to be intimate, but in their hearts, they have evil intentions, not to mention such ambitions. It's not enough for beasts to have such a situation. Why do people do this and delay themselves?
4. In Taihu Lake, many white geese gather here. They must choose a place to roost at night, lest humans shoot them with arrows with silk threads, and select geese on duty to patrol around. When someone comes, they bark, so that the geese can close their eyes and sleep. The people around the lake, familiar with their affairs, lit fires to illuminate it. The geese on duty were quacking, and the people at the lakeside immediately lowered their heads and covered the fire. The geese all woke up and looked, but there was nothing. This happened three or four times. The group of geese thought that the goose on duty had deceived them, so they pecked it together. Not long after, the people at the lake came forward with a fire. The geese on duty did not dare to call anymore. The geese were sleeping, and no one was left behind in the net.
5. Once upon a time, there was a man named Geng Ying, who was a famous archer. One day, he and Wei were drinking in the back garden. They looked up and saw a flying bird. Ying said to King Wei: "I will perform for you the skill of pulling the bow and making a false shot to make the bird fall." King Wei shook his head and smiled: "Can archery skills reach such a high level?" Geng Ying said: "Yes. ." Not long after, a lone wild goose flew slowly from the east. Geng Ying took a good posture, fully drew the bowstring, and shot an arrow. The goose fell in response. King Wei couldn't believe his eyes and exclaimed: "Arrow Can the skill really reach this level?" Geng Yingyu Xia Gong explained: "This is a bird with hidden injuries. The reason why it fell in surprise when it heard the sound of strings was not because of my superb skills!" King Wei was even more puzzled: "The wild goose is flying in the sky. How do you know it has hidden injuries?" Gengying replied: "It flies slowly and sings loudly because it has been separated from the flock for a long time. The original wounds have not healed and the panic has not been eliminated. As soon as he heard the sound of the string, he suddenly flapped his wings and flew high. In an instant, the old wound was touched and the pain caused it to fall."
6. Guan Zhong and Xi Peng followed Duke Huan of Qi. In the crusade against Lone Bamboo Country, he went out in the spring and returned in the winter, losing his way. Guan Zhong said: "The old horse's talent can be used.
12. When Meng Ke was a child, he was reciting poems while his mother was weaving. Xiao Meng Ke suddenly stopped reciting, and then continued to recite. Xiao Meng Ke’s mother knew that he was distracted. He forgot what was in the book, so he called him over and asked, "Why did you stop endorsing me midway? "Xiao Meng Ke replied: "I forgot some places in the book, but later I remembered them. "At this time, little Meng Ke's mother picked up a knife and cut the cloth she was weaving, and said, "This fabric is cut, can it still be connected? "From then on, Xiao Mengke no longer forgot the contents of the book because of distraction.
13. On the road to Mianchi, there was a car carrying earthen jars, blocking the narrow road. The weather was cold at that time, and the road was covered with ice and snow, which was steep and slippery, making it impossible to advance or retreat. It was almost evening, and there were thousands of people traveling in groups of officials and merchants, and there was nothing they could do. A man named Liu Po ??came over waving his whip and asked, "How much are the earthen jars on the car worth?" The answer was: "Seven or eight thousand." "So Liu Po ??opened his bag, took out the fine silk, and immediately compensated the man. He also asked the boy servant to get on the cart, break the ropes binding the jars, and push all the jars down the cliff. After a while, the cart became lighter and could move forward. Everyone
14. During the reign of Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty, Song Bai presided over the imperial examination, accepted bribes from others, and favored others during the selection process. He was afraid that others would have disputes after the red list was posted, so he first He listed the list of successful candidates and reported it to the emperor, trying to excuse himself by pretending that it was the emperor's will. The emperor angrily said to him: "I asked you to preside over the imperial examination. You should decide the list of successful candidates. Why? Report to me? How do I know if these people are a good fit? If you are criticized by others after posting the red list, I will behead you to apologize to the world! "Song Bai was extremely panicked and changed the red list to make it more popular.
15. Hu Zhi's son Wei, named Bohu, had great ambitions since he was a child. At that time, Hu Zhi was an official in Jingzhou, and he When he was about to go back from the capital, his father gave him a piece of silk as a gift on the way. Wei knelt down and asked his father, "My father is innocent. I wonder where he got this silk?" "Hu Zhi said: "This is my salary, used for your expenses. "Wei accepted gratefully and said goodbye and went home.
16. Today, I saw someone driving north on the Taihang Mountains and said to me: "I want to go to the Kingdom of Chu. I said, "You are going to Chu State, why are you driving north?" ". The owner of the car said, "My horse is very good and can run fast. I said, "Although the horse is good, this road is not the way to Chu." "He said: "I have a lot of money." I said: "I have a lot of money, but this road is not the way to Chu State." He said: "My driver is good. "Like this person, the more money he has, the farther he gets from Chu. This is what we call the carriage (goal) in the south, but the wheel (action) in the north.
17 Duke Mu of Qin went out to the palace and lost his horse. He went out to look for it and saw that someone had killed his horse and was eating its meat together. Duke Mu said to them, "This is my horse." These people were afraid. Duke Mu of Qin stood up in horror and said, "I heard that anyone who eats the flesh of a horse but doesn't drink it will be killed." So he gave them wine. Those who killed the horses went away in shame. Three years later, the Jin State attacked Duke Mugong of Qin and surrounded him. Those who had killed the horses to eat their meat said to each other, "We have arrived since then." It’s time to die and repay Duke Mu’s kindness for giving us horse meat to eat and wine to drink. "So the siege was broken up, and Duke Mu finally survived. He defeated Jin and captured Duke Hui of Jin and returned.
18. Duke Xiang of Jin once again asked Yu Zhou to borrow a road to attack Guo. Gong Zhiqi Jin Jian said: "Guo State is the barrier of Yu State. If the Guo Kingdom is destroyed, the Yu Kingdom will definitely be destroyed as well. Jin's ambitions cannot be encouraged, and foreign enemies cannot be ignored. Borrowing a road to Jin once was too much, how could it be possible a second time? As the saying goes, ‘cheeks and gums are interdependent, and if the lips are missing, the teeth will be frozen. ’ This is exactly the relationship between Yu State and Guo State.
19. There was a spear and shield seller in the Chu State. He praised his shield and said, "My shield is very strong. No weapon can pierce it." He also praised his spear and said, "My spear is very sharp and can penetrate anything."
Pei Lue said, "I'm already moving your ribs, not just your arms." "Wen Yanbo felt ashamed and gave Pei Lue the official position.
31. Jubo Xun went to a distant place to visit his sick friend, and happened to encounter barbarians attacking the city. The friend said to Jubo: "I am about to die. You are here, please leave quickly! "Jubo Xun said: "I came from afar to visit you, but you asked me to leave. Is this kind of behavior that corrupts morality for the sake of greed for life and fear of death, is it beyond the capabilities of Jubo Xun? " When the bandits came, he asked Jubo Xun, "As soon as the army arrived, the whole city fled. Who are you to dare to stay here alone? Xun Jubo replied: "My friend is sick and I can't bear to leave him. I would rather trade my body for my friend's life!" After hearing this, the thieves said to each other: "We unjust people have actually invaded this moral country!" "So the entire army evacuated the small town, and the whole city was saved.
32. Cai Hong came to Luoyang, and the local people in Luoyang said to him: "The official office has just been established, and all the officials are recruiting subordinates. In search of talented people, we recruit outstanding talents among the hermits in the mountains and fields. You are a scholar from the land of Wu and Chu, a person who has subjugated your country. What special talents do you have to participate in the recruitment? Cai Hong replied: "The luminous pearl does not necessarily come from the Mengjin River; the wall jade does not necessarily come from the Kunlun Mountains." Dayu was born in Dongyi, and King Wen was born in Xiqiang. The birthplace of a sage does not have to be a fixed place. In the past, King Wu attacked King Zhou and moved the stubborn people of the Shang Dynasty to Luoyang. Are you the descendants of those people? ”
33. Shi Chong and Wang Kai competed for wealth. Both of them used the most colorful and gorgeous things to decorate their carriages, horses and clothes. Emperor Wu of Jin was Wang Kai’s nephew and often helped Wang Kai. He Wang Kai once gave Wang Kai a two-foot-tall coral tree with lush branches. Wang Kai showed it to Shi Chong. It was broken casually. Wang Kai felt sorry for it and thought that Shi Chong was jealous of his treasure. His voice and face were very stern when he spoke, and Shi Chong said, "It's not worth regretting. I will compensate you now. "So he asked his men to take out all the coral trees in the house. There are six or seven coral trees that are three or four feet high. The trunks and branches are unparalleled in the world and are dazzling. There are even more like Wang Kai. Wang Kai I looked at it and felt lost.
34. When Wang Xizhi was ten years old, the general liked him very much and often let him sleep in the tent. , Qian Feng came in and discussed important matters, forgetting that Wang Xizhi was still in the tent, and discussed the plan to betray the court. When Wang Xizhi woke up and heard the content of their conversation, he was horrified and knew that he had no life, so he spat. They defiled their heads, faces, and bedding, and pretended to be asleep. Wang Dun and the others were just halfway through their plot when they remembered that Wang Xizhi had not gotten up yet. They were very panicked, fearing that the child would be exposed, and they both said, "We have to get rid of him!" "When I opened the curtain, I saw Wang Xizhi's face covered with spit. I believed that he was indeed asleep, so he was saved. I praised him for his intelligence at the time.
35. Ban Chao, also known as Zhongsheng, was born in Pingling, Fufeng. , the son of Ban Biao, the magistrate of Xu County. Ban Chao is a man of great ambition and does not care about small things. However, he is filial and hardworking at home and does not regard labor as a shame. Historical books. In AD 62 (the fifth year of Yongping), his brother Ban Gu was recruited as a school scribe, and Ban Chao and his mother also went to Luoyang with him. Because his family was poor, Ban Chao often copied books for the government to support his family. , worked so hard that once, he stopped what he was doing, threw down his pen and sighed: "If a man doesn't have better ambitions and strategies, he should be like Fu Jiezi in the Zhao Emperor period and Zhang Qian in the Wu Emperor period. How can you be busy between pens and inkstones for a long time if you have made great achievements to get a title? "The people around him laughed at him, and Ban Chao said: "How can a boy understand the ambition of a strong man! ”