December 28
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Calligraphy and Seal Engraving (not subject to joint examination restrictions) Calligraphy, Seal cutting and line drawing December 26th Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (Changgang Campus)
January 30th
School name Admissions professional examination subjects registration time examination location
Macau Polytechnic Institute of Technology Art and Design (not subject to joint entrance examination restrictions) written test (choose sketch or color), interview (if you pass the written test, you can participate in the interview) January 28th and 29th, South China Normal University
1 January 31st
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Hunan University of Arts and Sciences Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color January 29th and 30th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Sketching, coloring, and sketching of art design, fashion design and engineering of Xiamen Institute of Technology January 28th and 29th South China Normal University
* Fine Arts of East China Normal University Sketching, Color, and Sketching January 28th and 29th South China Normal University
Wuhan Engineering University Animation, Art Design, Advertising, Industrial Design Sketching, Color January 28th and 29th South China Normal University
p>Art Design (not subject to joint entrance examination scores), Code College of Capital Normal University, Graphic Creativity, Decorative Painting, South China Normal University on January 28th and 29th
Photography (not subject to joint entrance examination results) Score restrictions) Analysis of photographic works, basic knowledge of photography
February 1
School name Admissions professional examination subject registration time Examination location
Hunan City University Advertisement Science, Fine Arts, Art Design Sketch, Color January 30th and 31st Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
* Nanchang University Art Design, Industrial Design, Painting, Animation Sketch, Color January 30 January 30, 31st Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Jingdezhen Ceramics College Art Design, Industrial Design, Fine Arts, Sculpture, Animation Sketch, Color January 30th and 31st Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
p>Hainan Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design, Painting and Sketching, Color, Sketching January 29th and 30th South China Normal University
Xi'an University of Technology Art Design, Animation, Industrial Design Sketching, Color January 29th and 30th South China Normal University
Guilin University of Technology Art Design, Animation Sketching, Color January 29th and 30th South China Normal University
*Sichuan University Fine Arts ( History) (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) Appreciation essay, Chinese and foreign art knowledge January 30th and 31st, Shenzhen Pinggang Middle School
Art design, painting, animation sketch, color
February 2
School Name Admissions Professional Exam Subject Registration Time Exam Location
Jiangxi Xinyu College Art Design Sketch, Color January 31, February 1 Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
*Hunan Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design, Painting, etc. Drawing and Color January 30th and 31st South China Normal University
Hunan University of Science and Technology Fine Arts, Art Design Sketch and color January 30 and 31 South China Normal University
Fine arts sketch and art theory of Jilin Art Institute January 30 and 31 South China Normal University
Art sketch, Color and Sketch
Design Sketch, Color and Sketch
Public Service Management (Cultural Industry Management) (not subject to joint entrance examination scores) Preliminary test: Creativity and analytical ability test Re-examination: Criticism of Cultural Phenomenon
Sichuan Conservatory of Music Mianyang Art College Art Design (not subject to joint entrance examination scores) Dynamic line drawing, monochrome depiction, comprehensive performance January 31, February 1 Shenzhen Pinggang Middle School
Animation (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) structural sketch, scenery light color, dynamic capture
February 3
School name admissions major Examination subject registration time Examination location
Guangxi University of the Arts Arts
Art design, fine arts, fine arts (calligraphy), painting, landscape architectural design, animation, advertising, etc. (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) proposition writing; sketching, color; calligraphy, calligraphy creation January 31, February 1st Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Hubei Xianning College Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color February 1st and 2nd Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Hunan University of Technology Art Design, Industrial Design, Animation, Art Design Sketch, Color January 31, February 1 South China Normal University
Hubei Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design, Industrial Design Sketch, Color January 31 , South China Normal University on February 1
*Huazhong University of Science and Technology Art Design, Industrial Design Sketch, Color, Sketch January 31, February 1 South China Normal University
Chengdu Information School of Engineering Art Design Sketching, Color January 31st, February 1st South China Normal University
* Shaanxi Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design, Painting Sketching, Color February 1st, 2nd Shenzhen City Gang Middle School
February 4
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Modeling Class Color, Drawing, Creation Basics 2 February 1st and 2nd Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (Changgang Campus)
Hubei Xiangfan College Fine Arts, Art Design, Animation Sketching, Color February 2nd and 3rd Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
*Wuhan University of Technology Art Design, Art Design, Animation, Industrial Design Sketching, Color, Sketching February 2nd and 3rd Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Guilin Institute of Technology University Art Design, Animation Sketching, Color February 2nd and 3rd Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Hubei Three Gorges University Fine Arts, Art Design Color Basics, Modeling Basics February 1st and 2nd South China Normal University
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Animation, Art Design Sketch, Color February 1st and 2nd South China Normal University
Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology Industrial Design, Art Design, Animation Sketch, Color February South China Normal University on the 1st and 2nd
Art design (calligraphy) calligraphy post, calligraphy creation
Art design (costume design and performance) sketching, color, interview
*Nanjing Normal University Fine Arts (excluding calligraphy and seal cutting), Art Design, Animation Sketch, Color February 1st and 2nd South China Normal University
Art Design (Ceramic Art Design) Sketch, Color , Utensil shape design
Xi'an University of Technology Art Design, Industrial Design, Animation, Sculpture, Photography Sketching, Color February 2nd and 3rd Shenzhen Pinggang Middle School
Capital Normal University Code College Art Design (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) Graphic Creativity, Decorative Painting February 2nd and 3rd Shaoguan Secondary Vocational and Technical School
Photography (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) Photographic works Analysis, basic knowledge of photography
February 5
School name Admissions professional examination subject registration time Examination location
Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Design Class Color, Sketch, Basics of Design February 1st and 2nd Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (Changgang Campus)
Gnan Normal University Art Design, Fine Arts, Animation Sketching, Color February 3rd and 4th Guangzhou City Vocational College ( Binjiang Campus)
Gnan Normal University Art Design, Fine Arts, Animation, Drawing, Color February 3rd and 4th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
* Photography by Nanjing Normal University (not Subject to the joint entrance examination results) Basic knowledge of photography, appreciation of art works or photography works, and graphic advertising design February 1st and 2nd South China Normal University
* Central South University design majors sketching, color, and sketching February South China Normal University on February 2nd and 3rd
Mianyang Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color February 2nd and 3rd South China Normal University
Xi'an University of Science and Technology Art Design, Industry Design, Animation Sketching, Color February 2nd and 3rd, South China Normal University
Xiannan College Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color February 3rd and 4th, Shenzhen Pinggang Middle School
February 6
School Name Admissions Professional Exam Subject Registration Time Exam Location
East China Jiaotong University Art Design, Industrial Design Sketch, Color February 4th and 5th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
p>Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Art Design, Fine Arts Sketching, Color, Sketching February 4th and 5th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
* Jiangnan University Industrial Design, Art Design, Fine Arts Study (Normal School) Fashion Design and Engineering, Animation Sketch, Color, Design Basics February 4th and 5th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Yichun College Fine Arts, Art Design Sketch, Color February On the 4th and 5th, Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Animation (not subject to joint entrance examination scores), sketching, decorative color
Hunan University of Technology, Art Design, Animation, Industrial Design, Art Design Sketch and color on February 4th and 5th at Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
* Southwest Jiaotong University Fine Arts Sketch and Color on February 4th and 5th at Guangzhou Fine Arts Middle School
Advertising ( Not limited by joint entrance examination scores) sketching, creative composition
Jingdezhen Ceramics College Painting, Sculpture, Fine Arts, Art Design, Animation, Industrial Design Sketching, Color February 3, 4 South China Normal University
Art design, painting, photography sketch, sketch, color of Southwest University for Nationalities February 4th and 5th, Shenzhen Pinggang Middle School
Animation sketch, animation modeling, color
February 7
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Hubei Yangtze University Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color February 5th and 6th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Art Design, Animation, Advertising, Fine Arts (Commercial Illustration) Drawing, Color, and Sketch February 5th and 6th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Chongqing Technology and Business University Art Design, Industrial Design, Photography, Animation Sketch, Color, Sketch February 5th and 6th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Nanjing Art Institute Painting, Sculpture, Art Design, art design, industrial design, etc. Sketching and color February 4th and 5th South China Normal University
Related to Fine Arts, Art Design, Public Service Management (not subject to joint entrance examination scores) A professional article
Copying of painting (calligraphy) regular script and running script; proposition creation
Henan Xuchang University Art Design, Fine Arts (Normal School) Sketch, Color February 4th and 5th South China Normal University
Preschool education (normal) (not subject to joint entrance examination scores) children's painting creation
Sichuan Xichang College Fine Arts (Chinese Painting), Fine Arts (Oil Painting), Advertising Study sketching and color on February 4th and 5th, South China Normal University
Study of Art and Design, Kede College, Capital Normal University (not restricted by joint entrance examination scores) Graphic creativity, decorative painting, February 5th and 6th Shenzhen Pinggang Middle School
February 8
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Brochure Sketch, Color, Sketching and quality test February 5th and 6th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
*Minzu University of China Painting, art design, fine arts (art education) sketching, color (Chinese painting, clothing accelerated writing ) February 6th and 7th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Changsha College Art Design, Animation Sketch, Color February 5th and 6th South China Normal University
Sichuan Conservatory of Music Mianyang College Art and Design Dynamic Line Drawing, Monochrome Description, Comprehensive Performance February 5th and 6th, South China Normal University
Animation, digital media structure sketch, scenery light color, motion capture
Nanchang Aviation University Art Design, Industrial Design, Animation Sketch, Color February 5th and 6th South China Normal University
Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University Art Sketch, Color, Design Basics February 5th and 6th South China Normal University University
Art Design (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) Sketching and Design Fundamentals
Art Design (not limited by joint entrance examination scores), Code College of Capital Normal University (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) Graphic Creativity, Decoration Draw February 3rd
-Shenzhen Xingzhi Vocational High School on the 7th
February 9
School name, admissions, professional examination, subject registration time, examination location
Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts brochure sketch , Color, Sketching, Quality Test February 5th and 6th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
*Nanjing Normal University Art Design, Fine Arts, Animation Sketching, Color February 7th and 8th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Ceramic art design sketch, color, vessel shape design
Calligraphy (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) temporary writing, proposition creation
Sichuan Music College Mianyang Art College Art Design (not restricted by joint entrance examination scores) Dynamic line drawing, monochrome depiction, comprehensive performance February 7th and 8th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Anyang Institute of Technology Fine Arts (Art Design, Animation, Painting) Sketch, Color February 6th and 7th South China Normal University
Xiangtan University Art Design, Animation Sketch (including sketching), Color February 6th and 7th South China Normal University
Huangshi Institute of Technology Art Design Sketching and Color February 6th and 7th South China Normal University
February 10th
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time and examination location
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics Art Design, Industrial Design Sketch, Color February 8th and 9th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Beijing Technology and Business University Art Design Sketch, Sketching February 8th and 9th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Art and Design at Capital Normal University Code College (not restricted by joint entrance examination scores) Graphic Creativity, Decorative Painting February 8th, 9th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Photography (not restricted by joint entrance examination scores) analysis of photographic works, basic knowledge of photography
Guangxi Normal University Fine Arts Sketching and Color February 7th and 8th Japan South China Normal University
* Southwest University Fine Arts, Art Design, Painting and Sketching, Color, Sketch February 7th and 8th South China Normal University
* Fuzhou University Industrial Design, Sculpture , art design, painting and sketching, color February 7th and 8th, South China Normal University
* Southwest Jiaotong University, art sketching and coloring February 8th and 9th, Shenzhen Xingzhi Vocational High School
Advertising categories (not subject to joint entrance examination score restrictions) sketches and creative compositions
February 11
School name, admissions professional examination subject registration time, examination location
*Sichuan University Art Design, Painting, Animation, Fine Arts (not subject to joint entrance examination scores) Sketching, Color, etc. February 9th and 10th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Jiangxi Yichun College Fine Arts, Art Design, Animation (not restricted by joint entrance examination scores) Sketching, Color, etc. February 9th and 10th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Hunan Women's College Art Design Sketching, Color February 9th and 10th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Nanchang Institute of Technology Art Design (Environmental Art Design), Animation, Industrial Design Sketch, Color February 9th and 10th Boluo Huaqiao Middle School
China Academy of Art Brochure Meet Brochure February 8th and 9th South China Normal University
February 12th
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject registration time and examination location
Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University Fine Arts Sketching, Color, Design Basics February 10th and 11th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Art Design (not Subject to joint entrance examination results) Sketching, design basics
Shenyang Aerospace University Art Design, Fashion Design and Engineering, Digital Media Art, Animation, Advertising, Painting and Sketching, Color February 10th and 11th in Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
*China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Art Design, Gem and Material Technology Sketching, Color, and Sketching February 10th and 11th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Hubei Huanggang Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design, Animation Sketching, Color February 10th and 11th at Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Zhengzhou Light Industry College Industrial Design, Art Design, Painting, Animation ,sculpture
Sketching and color February 10th and 11th Guangzhou Fine Arts Middle School
China Academy of Art Brochure See brochure February 8th and 9th South China Normal University
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Art Design ( Clothing), art design, photography, animation, digital media art sketch, color, creative sketch February 8th and 9th Shenzhen Xingzhi Vocational Middle School
February 13
School School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Yulin Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design, Drawing, Color February 11th and 12th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Xiangnan College Fine Arts, Art Design, Drawing, Color February 11th and 12th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
China Academy of Art Brochure See Brochure February 8th and 9th South China Normal University University
February 14
School name Admissions professional examination subject registration time Examination location
Wuhan Textile University Art Design Sketch, Color February 12, 13th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Painting, sculpture, photography, photography (film and television photography) sketching, color, sketching February 11th and 12th South China Normal University
Art design, industrial design sketch, color, design basics
February 15th
School name, admissions professional examination subject registration time, examination location
Huzhou Normal University Art Design, Art Sketch, Color, Sketch February 13th and 14th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Wuhan University of Science and Technology Industrial Design, Art Design, Painting, Architectural Sketch, Color February 13th and 14th, Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Art and Design, Kede College, Capital Normal University (not restricted by joint entrance examination scores) Graphic Creativity, Decorative Painting February 12th, 13th and 14th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Photography (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) analysis of photographic works, basic knowledge of photography
Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Art Design, Industry Design sketch, color, design basics February 11th and 12th South China Normal University
Submit an appreciation article when registering for Fine Arts (not subject to joint entrance examination scores)
February 16th
School name, admissions major, subject registration time, test location
Hubei Jianghan University Fine Arts, Painting (Oil Painting), Art Design Sketching, Color, Sketching February 14th, Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus) on the 15th
Jiangxi Xinyu College Art Design Sketch and Color February 14th and 15th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Harbin College of Fine Arts Science, art design, animation, photography (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) black and white concrete form composition, color concrete form composition February 14th and 15th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Art Class of Nanchang Institute of Technology (Industrial Design) Sketching, Color February 13, 14, and 15 Foshan Nanhai District Art Senior High School
Suzhou University Art Design, Fine Arts, Art Design Sketch, Color, Sketch February 13 February 13th and 14th South China Normal University
Hunan Institute of Technology Art Design, Industrial Design, Fashion Design and Engineering Sketching, Color February 13th and 14th South China Normal University
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics Art Design Sketch, Color February 13th and 14th South China Normal University
Nanchang Institute of Technology Art Design, Industrial Design, Animation Sketch, Color February 13th and 14th South China Normal University
February 17
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Sichuan Leshan Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color February 15th and 16th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Jiangxi Agricultural University Art Design Sketching and Color February 15th and 16th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Nanjing University of the Arts Painting, Sculpture, art design, industrial design and other sketches and colors February 15th and 16th Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School<
Painting (calligraphy) (not subject to the joint entrance examination scores) copying of regular script and running script; proposition creation
Art, art design, public service management (not subject to the joint entrance examination) Grade limit) One relevant professional article
*Hainan University Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color, Sketching February 14th and 15th South China Normal University
Hangzhou Normal University Art Design , Painting (Comprehensive), Painting (Oil Painting) Sketch, Color February 14th and 15th South China Normal University
February 18
School Name Registration Time for Admissions Professional Examination Subjects Exam location
Jiangxi Normal University Fine Arts, Art Design Sketching, Color February 16th and 17th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Sichuan Conservatory of Music Mianyang Art College Art Design Science, animation, digital media art (not limited by joint entrance examination scores) dynamic line drawing, monochrome depiction, comprehensive expression; structural sketch, scenery light color, dynamic capture February 16th and 17th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Chongqing Technology and Business University Art Design, Industrial Design, Animation, Photography, Art Design Sketching, Color February 16th and 17th Foshan Nanhai District Art Senior High School
Sichuan Conservatory of Music Art Design, painting, animation, industrial design, drama, film and television art design sketch, color, sketching February 16th and 17th Guangzhou Fine Arts Middle School
Hangzhou Normal University Animation sketching (including sketching), color modeling February 14th February 15th, South China Normal University
*Beijing Forestry University Art Design Sketch, Color, Sketch February 15th and 16th South China Normal University
*Wuhan University Design (Industrial) Design, Art Design) Sketching, Design Basics February 15th and 16th South China Normal University
February 19
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
p>Hunan Agricultural University Art Design Sketch and Color February 17th and 18th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Harbin University of Science and Technology Brochure See Brochure February 17th and 18th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
All art majors of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts: drawing, color, and sketching will be tested at designated test centers of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts on February 16th and 17th
February 20
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject Registration Time Examination Location
Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences Fine Arts, Art Design, Animation Sketch, Color February 18th and 19th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Heilongjiang Engineering College Art Design, Animation Sketch, Color February 18th and 19th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Capital Normal University Code College Art Design (Not limited by joint entrance examination scores) Graphic creativity, decorative painting February 16, 17, 18, 19 Foshan Nanhai District Art Senior High School
Photography (Not limited by joint entrance examination scores) Photography Work analysis, basic knowledge of photography
February 21
School name Admissions major examination subject registration time Examination location
Zhejiang A&F University Art Design, Digital Media Art, Photography, Industrial Design Sketching, Color, and Sketch February 19th and 20th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
February 22
College Name Admissions Professional Examination Subject registration time and examination location
Fujian Sanming College Fine Arts, Art Design, Footwear Design Sketch, Color, Sketch February 20th and 21st Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
Donghua University of Science and Technology Art Design Sketching and Color February 20th and 21st Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)
February 25
School Name Admissions Professional Examination Subjects Registration time and examination location
*Jinan University Animation Character Design February 23rd and 24th, Boluo Overseas Chinese Middle School
Art, calligraphy or Chinese painting creation
February 26th
School name Admissions professional examination subject registration time Examination location
>*South China University of Technology Art Design Sketch and Color February 24th and 25th South China University of Technology
Fashion Design and Performance Sketch and Color
Note: The exam points for Costume Design and Performance only Limited to Guangdong Province and Gansu Province.
Examination content: Basic professional qualifications test (male and female candidates are required to bring their own swimsuits and clothing for this test subject, and girls are required to bring their own high heels),
Additional test for talent show (bringing their own accompaniment music CD, costumes and props, no more than three minutes),
Height requirements for female models are above 173cm and male models are above 185cm. Candidates need to take the drawing and color exams, and the results will be used as a reference
March 3rd and 4th
Name of institution, enrollment time for professional examination subjects, exam location
Central Academy of Fine Arts plastic arts, Chinese painting, calligraphy, art design, architecture, image design, information design and other sketching, color, sketching, design February 28th and 29th Guangzhou City Vocational College (Binjiang Campus)