He's calligraphy is good at cursive script. Dou Yuan's Shu Shu Fu says, "The mountains and lakes descend, the tourists work wildly, the pen is exquisite, and the number of words is not much, like flowers in the spring forest, but I am worried about writing it." Dou Meng's note: "Every time (he) tries hard, he writes good Chinese characters, or 300 words, or 500 words. Poetry and pens are only used by him ... suddenly beneficial, competing with nature, not artificial."
The Dou brothers criticized the famous books of the Tang Dynasty, but they greatly praised He's "contending with nature, which was not made by man", which shows the reputation of He's calligraphy at that time. Li Baiyou's "Thinking of seeing the guests off to the moon" says: "The flowing water in Jinghu Lake is clear, and the fanatics return to the boat. If the Taoist priests in Yin Shan meet, they should write a yellow court for the white goose. " Tell the world.
Among the calligraphy works handed down from ancient times, the ink marks include the cursive script "The Book of Filial Piety" and the stone carving "Long Rui Palace". "The Book of Filial Piety" is full of vertical strokes, with dragons and snakes dancing in one go, shining brilliantly. Take Li's meaning slightly, and blend in to seek greatness. The rigorous style of Tang people and the graceful demeanor of Jin people had a great influence on the calligraphy style in the late Tang and Song Dynasties.