Wang Xianzhi’s father, Wang Xizhi, was an outstanding calligrapher. Wang Xianzhi was influenced by his father and Bai You loved calligraphy. He saw that his father’s calligraphy was very good, and everyone was copying his calligraphy. It was really He was filled with envy. He didn't know when he would become a great and respected calligrapher like his father. Once, he couldn't bear it anymore and asked his father: "Father, why are your calligraphy so good?" Wang Xizhi He smiled and said, "If you want to know the secret, come to the yard tomorrow morning." The next day, Wang Xianzhi came to the yard early and found that his father had already been practicing calligraphy there. When Wang Xianzhi saw his son coming, he pointed The eighteen jars of water in the yard said: "There is no secret to calligraphy. As long as you finish writing in these eighteen jars of water, the words will naturally be written." Wang Xianzhi was deeply inspired and practiced calligraphy day and night. In the blink of an eye, year after year. , when he finished writing these eighteen jars of water, his hard work paid off, and he finally became a great calligrapher.\x0dHope to adopt it!