Xie Daowen was a talented woman in Wei and Jin Dynasties. Her father was Xie Yi, a general of Jin 'anxi, and her husband was Wang Ningzhi, the secretariat of Jiangzhou. She has been wise and eloquent since childhood. Among the gentry in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the two ethnic groups in Xie Wang were the largest gentry in the north: Xie An was based on military merits and talents, Wang Guideline was based on moderation, and Xie Wang was fighting in secret. However, after all, Xie Daowen, a talented woman, became the daughter-in-law of Wang Xizhi, a book sage, and the wife of Wang Ningzhi. It is also said that a talented woman is suitable for a talented person. When you feel depressed, you might as well read Jin Shi, and when you are lazy, you might as well read Shi Shuo Xin Yu. Those celebrities are romantic, wild, chic and unruly, and they can't wait to marry five or six hundred and seventy-eight. It's also good to be able to date. In fact, there were also female celebrities in the Jin Dynasty. In the winter of a certain year in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was snowing heavily. Xie An turned and asked his nephew Xie Xuan, "What are the snows like?" Xie Xuan replied without poetry: "The air difference in salt sprinkling can be simulated." Fortunately, her sister was clever, and then she said, "If catkins are not due to the wind." At this time, Daoyun was only seven or eight years old, and he was a real villain. Later, she married Wang Ningzhi of the Wangs. Once, brother in law and Wang Xianzhi argued with Confucianism, and finally they could not compete. Xie Daowen sat behind the curtain of the green silk, and quoted classics to further develop the theme of Wang Xianzhi. He was ambitious, leisurely and confident, and the guests were poor and candidly admit defeat. There is a great spirit that Taishan collapses in front of it and the color remains the same. Later, Sun En, a thief soldier, rebelled and killed him in front of the door. Wang Ningzhi was still praying to God and worshipping Buddha. Xie Daowen had already trained the maids and servants to hold swords and form a small assault team to break through the city. With a horizontal knife in her hand, she came out on the shoulder and rushed into the street. Although she was brave and unable to compete, she finally became a prisoner of thieves and soldiers. Sun En wanted to kill Xie Daowen's little grandson, so Xie Daowen snapped. Sun En longed for her name long ago, and when he saw her best decission, he was greatly heartbroken, so he treated her differently. Not only did he not kill her little grandson, but he also ordered his subordinates to do good deeds to protect her and send her back to her former residence. From then on, Xie Daowen will be widowed. Although Xie is also a virtuous woman, his knowledge is different. At that time, Liu Liu, the satrap of Huiji, made a special trip to her house to inquire for audience. Xie Daowen had heard about Liu Liu's talent for a long time, but he didn't give up his makeup. plain clothes was dressed in a plain robe and came out to meet Liu Liu frankly. Appreciate each other, two people really admire each other. Xie Daowen is smart, smart, talented, brave and decisive, and he has elegant taste and knows how to enjoy life, which is exactly the perfection in my mind. But wait! How did a woman cultivate this kind of tolerance? The fact is that the Jin Dynasty paid great attention to the caste of origin, and the marriage of Xie Daowen connected Wang and Xie, the two most prominent and noble gates. Behind her, there are a group of cattle who have become buddhas and immortals, and she lives in an excellent "cowshed" (cowshed). It is inevitable that you will be covered in fairy dust. Her father was Xie Yi, the general of Anxi, who was very romantic, and Huan Wen, the great hero, greatly appreciated Xie Yi. Once, Xie Yi drank too much and chased Huan Wen for a drink. Huan Wen was a bad drinker and hid in his inner room. Unexpectedly, Xie Yi stubbornly persisted and chased Huan Wen to finish the wine. As a result, he first got drunk and slept in their bed for a whole day. Her uncle Xie An is famous for being fearless in times of crisis. During the Battle of Feishui, he sat at home and played chess with others. The good news had arrived ahead, and he sat quietly and finished the game. Her uncle, Xie Wan, in the west, is heavily armed and sublime, and has been deliberately imitating Xie An's demeanor. Among her (cousin) brothers, there are four great talents: Feng, Hu, Jie and Mei. Her own brother, Xie Xuan, was the commander-in-chief in the famous Battle of Feishui in history, and beat the millions of troops of Fu Jian, the arrogant king of Daqin, to the ground. Her father-in-law, Wang Xizhi, a super calligrapher and a master of style, retired early: he often plays funny tricks, trading words for geese and playing with meandering water. Some people say that his Preface to Lanting Collection and Mourning Post only came out in 5 years, but if you ask me, it is 1, years. Her brother-in-law, Wang Huizhi, is the fool who visited friends on a snowy night and slipped away at the door of others' house. "He walked on an impulse and returned home in full swing.". However, such a person is a little off the mark and pleasing. Another brother-in-law is Wang Xianzhi, whose romantic style is the highest at that time, and he is also a super calligrapher. The biggest drawback is that you are too devoted to the affairs of the state, too exhausted, and too careless about your health. Her husband is Wang Ningzhi, with a family background, and he is a very hard worker. He has successively served as Jiangzhou Secretariat, Zuo General and Huiji Civil History. Although his reputation is average, he is by no means mediocre ... So, although Xie Daowen "unexpectedly has Wang Lang in the world." Not very satisfied with her Wang Ningzhi. But happiness is the theory of relativity, and her little grievance, in the eyes of the world, is already an angel shedding tears for the withering of roses-I don't know if I am blessed. I am also depressed, but not like her, but because there are no cattle people behind us, only some false gods; Of course I can't become a #e# master, so I have to be mediocre all the way. I can't blame me.