Go to Japan and Huayuan and look forward to Chang 'an. I stayed in Shu for four years and had a golden dream. If you think in the distance, you will laugh at yourself and get tired. If you want to live in peace with the world, you should respect leisure.
Autumn is late, the wind is strong and the leaves are dry. Sing slowly for three times in yangguan, and you will be embarrassed if you are drunk. Gathering and dispersing Hongyan from north to south, the gains and losses are quite winding, so it is better to go and return. Acacia in the day after tomorrow, misty water Yunshan.
Introduction to the author of "Shuidiao Ge Tou Er Wang Yun", a native of Central Plains (1138-1200), a prime minister and poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, was later named a scholar in Songpo, and was born in (now Nanchang, Jiangxi). Gaozong Shaoxing was a scholar in the twenty-seventh year. Ruichang county, Jiangzhou. Filial piety calls for symmetry, supervises remonstrance, and moves to the right house. In the fifteenth year of Xichun, he was awarded the position of appeasing Sichuan and became the capital. Guangzong Shaoxi's second year (1 19 1) was called the history of punishments. In five years, he signed the Privy Council and participated in political affairs. In the second year of Qingyuan (1 196), he worshipped the right prime minister, and for six years he became the left prime minister, sealing the wings of the country. Died at the age of 63. After death, I gave it to Taibao, trusted Wenzhong, and later changed to Zhuang Ding. There are seven volumes of poems, two volumes of Songpo Jushi Yuefu, and a general examination of literature. See Zhai Chengji (volume 123) and Epitaph of Gong Jing. The History of the Song Dynasty (Volume 394) has spread to this day.
Jing Tang's other works ○ Dong Xiange ○ The second King Cao invited to enjoy the rhyme of Haitang.
○ Things are close, and the second messenger of the teapot boarded the Daci Temple Building, which is the second rhyme.
○ The second rhyme is Cao's second tea.
○ Man Jiang Hong invited Cha Cao, the second emissary, and I didn't see the moon.
○ Beijing is boring and works.