1. Posters of men's goods such as men's wear, outdoor clothes and outdoor men's shoes need more masculine and tough fonts. Therefore, I suggest that when choosing fonts, you should also choose some fonts with masculine and tough signs, such as Founder Black, Mona Super Black, and Word Workshop Black. The font is heavy and powerful.
2. Posters of women's articles such as women's clothes, ornaments and underwear. You need soft, slender and delicate fonts, so when choosing fonts, you should also choose some slender and soft fonts, such as Founder Yue Black Slim, Sharp Line Simplified, Founder Lanting Ultra-fine Black, etc.
3. Posters of children's products such as children's clothes and children's toys need some lively and playful fonts, such as Korean doll body, chalk font and Korean wheat font.
4. When doing some antique and Chinese styles, you will often use some calligraphy fonts, especially the interface of some games, which is very domineering and artistic. There are mainly Japanese brush, Yuwen brush, Ye Yougen brush font and so on. It's best to use some strokes when designing, which will make the font feel stronger.