The original title of Wenzhi is "The old servant of the Great Wei specially entered a title of generals in ancient times, and the general Shangshu left the servant to shoot the inscription of Hou, the founder of Sikonggong County". Wenzhi said that "the official is connected with the two capitals, and the first thing is to board three things. Yin and Yang are in the four seas, and the soil and water are in harmony with the world." "The people of the three rivers and six auxiliary buildings are as respectful as gods, and the houses of the seven phases and five public buildings are as fearful as lightning." The prestige before his death can be seen. "In the fifty-ninth year of the Spring and Autumn Period, on April 13th of the first year of Jianyi, he was killed in the Yin of Beijiang. ..... In November of the first year of Yong 'an, Guangdong Province, Jiayin was on the eighth day, and his heart moved to Xiling. "Qin Yuan died of the change of the river shade, carved in 528 AD, and the Northern Wei Dynasty is drawing to a close.
Medog, the whole paper is framed. The original stone is 82cm in longitudinal direction and 85cm in transverse direction. The rubbings have 37 lines and 35 words, and are bound into a book. Lack of cover. 19 16 unearthed in Zhang Yang village, north of Luoyang city, Henan province, was once collected by Xiang Tao. This book has no broken words, and it was first opened after it was unearthed.
The style of Wenzhi calligraphy is a standard "Weibei style" regular script with clear edges. Only skimming is full and round, which embodies the characteristics of the times in the transitional period from the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Eastern Wei Dynasty. From beginning to end, it is elegant and elegant, and the royal style is exactly the same. This is the top grade in Wei Zhi's calligraphy, which should have been carved by the master at that time.
This Qin Yuan is not the same as the Emperor of the Western Wei Dynasty.