Combined with the selected articles, this paper discusses the differences between Sun Quan's and Confucius' "persuasion" methods.

At first, Sun Quan, the king of Wu, said to the general, "You are now in an important position and have great power. You should study hard!" Lv Meng refused on the grounds that there were many military affairs. Sun Quan said, "Do I want you to learn classics and become a learned man? You only need to learn knowledge extensively, and you don't need to study deeply. You said you had a lot of things to deal with, which one can compare with me? I often read books and feel that I have gained a lot. " Then Lumeng began to study.

At the beginning, Sun Quan said to Lv Meng, "You are in charge now, not to study!" ! "There are many articles in the army. "I don't want you to be a doctor alone! But when you dabble, look over. Too much talk, who is lonely? I often study alone, and I think it is very beneficial. " Monroe began to study.

Lu Su, a famous Soochow player, passed by here to discuss world affairs with Yang He. Lu Su was very surprised when he heard this opinion, and said, "Your current talent and strategy are no longer comparable to those of that year!" Lv Meng said: "For ambitious people, after a few days apart, you should polish your eyes and re-examine his talents. Dude, why do you see things so late! " Then Lu Su visited Monroe's mother, became friends with Monroe, and then left.

Lu Su wanted to discuss with Yang and Meng. He was frightened and said, "You are a talented person, not a monk under Wu!" Lv Meng said: "The upright people have been watching for a few days. You know how late it is when you look at something so late." Lu Su met Lu Meng's mother and became friends with Lu Meng.