Wang Xizhi was born a goose. In Huijili, an old lady who lives alone keeps a goose. She is good at singing. She wanted to buy it, but she couldn't, so she took her relatives and friends to see it. When the old lady heard that he was coming, she cooked a goose to entertain him, and he was sad all day. There is a Taoist priest in the north of the mountain who keeps a flock of geese. Wang Xizhi was very happy when he went to see it, so he begged the Taoist to buy his goose. The Taoist priest said to him, "If you copy the Tao Te Ching for me, I will give you a flock of geese." Wang Xizhi finished writing happily, put the goose in the cage and went back, because he was so happy. He went to a student's house and found his low wooden desk clean and smooth, so he wrote calligraphy on it, half in regular script and half in cursive script. Later, the student's father accidentally scraped off these words, and his students regretted it for several days. His calligraphy notes were valued by the world at that time, and there were many such things. Wang Xizhi often calls himself; "Compared with Zhong You, my calligraphy can be reversed; Compared with Zhang Zhi's cursive script, it is also like a wild goose. " He once wrote to someone: "Zhang Zhi learned to write by the pool in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the pool turned black. If people are as addicted as he is, calligraphy may not be as good as him. "
2. The original text of Wang Xizhi's good book, Wang Xizhi's words are easy to escape, and Stuart's guidance is also smooth. It is not surprising that people are young and speak slowly. And long, arguing and raising, famous bones. Especially the book is the best in ancient and modern times, and critics call it the pen gesture, which is considered as a floating cloud, smart and shocking, deeply valued by Taoism. Good-natured goose, who lives alone and keeps a goose, is good at singing, but she can't get the market, so she brings her new friends to see it. I heard Xihe was coming, and I cooked for him. Xihe regretted it for a long time. There is also a Taoist priest in Yin Shan who keeps geese very well. He likes them very much and goes to the market. The Taoist priest said, "In order to write the Tao Te Ching, we will send a group of people to communicate with each other." Xihe happily finished writing and went home in a cage, very happy. I tasted my protege's house and found it slippery. Because of the book, it was really half grass. Later, his father accidentally scraped it off, and the students were shocked and depressed. The book of Xi is very important to the world, and it is like this. Every boast: "My book is better than Zhong You, so we should resist it;" Compared with Zhang, he is still a wild goose. " I once wrote a book with someone: "Zhang Zhi is studying in the pool, and the water in the pool is all black, which makes people worry, but it may not be the last one."
3. Wang Xizhi's classical Chinese translation of the original text.
"Wang Jin Xi Zhi, word escape less, quantico also. A good book at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, I saw the previous generation of Bi Shuo at my father's bedside and secretly read it again. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xi smiled and didn't answer. Mother said:' I read "Using Calligraphy", but my father thought it was too small, so I'm afraid I can't keep it a secret. Semantically, I'll teach you when you are an adult. At the invitation of Xihe, use it today to make adults fear children's orders. Father was very happy, so he followed. If the month is not profitable, the book will make great progress. When Mrs. Wei saw it, she said,' This son must read the book "Using a Pen". If he sees his book recently, he will have wisdom in old age. He cried, "This son will hide my name." When the Jin emperor offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, he even wished the edition and made a work cut. "
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, a few words, son of Wang Kuang. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw the ancient "Pen Shuo" under his father's pillow and stole it. Father asked, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer. Mother said, "Look at the pen." Father thinks he is young and is afraid that he can't keep a secret. He said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi sincerely asked his father, "Give it to me now. If you wait until adulthood, I am afraid that you will bury your childhood talents. " Father was very happy and gave it to him. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress.
After reading it, Mrs Wei said to Wang Ce, the Taichang official, "Xizhi must have read Bi Shuo. I recently learned his calligraphy. " With tears streaming down her face, she said, "This child will definitely be more famous than me."
During the Jin Dynasty, the imperial court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburbs. When replacing the bamboo board, the worker cut off his words and infiltrated the board for three points.
The classical Chinese translation of Wang Xizhi's book is very important to the world. Wang Xizhi tasted Xihe Book, which was sold by a student with a hexagonal bamboo fan. His fans are all the first five words of the book.
Requirements: punctuate sentences accurately, understand difficulties, translate words properly and summarize the general idea. See below for the answer.
Wang Xizhi tasted the student's home and saw that it was bright and clean. Because that book is really half grass. Wang Xizhi once went to his protege's house and saw several boxes made of ebony. He wrote on them, half in regular script and half in cursive script. Later, his father accidentally scraped it off, and the students were shocked and depressed. Later, these books were accidentally scraped off by the father of the pupils, and the pupils were shocked and depressed for several days. I also tried to see an old man basking in the sun in Lushan Mountain and sold it with a hexagonal bamboo fan. I once met an old woman in Lushan who was selling a hexagonal bamboo fan. The Book of Xi has its fans, and each fan has five roles. Wang Xizhi writes on her bamboo fans, each with five words. At first, Mu was very sad because he said, "But this is Wang Youjun's book, in order to get rid of money." At first, the old woman showed an unhappy expression on her face. Wang Xizhi said to her, "You said it was written by Wang Youjun, and you can sell it for 100 yuan." Like he said, someone made an offer. The old woman did as he said, and people rushed to buy these fans. Another day passed, and Mussina came again with a fan. Xi just laughed and didn't answer. Later, the old woman brought some bamboo fans. Wang Xizhi just smiled and refused to write any more. His books are very important to the world, and all books are of this kind. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is valued by the world, just like this example. This paper gives two examples to illustrate the importance of Wang Xizhi's calligraphy to the world. First, the regular script and cursive script written by Wang on his protege's desk were scraped off by the elders who didn't know the treasure, which shocked his protege for several days. Second, Wang wrote five words on each fan sold by the old woman, and then each fan sold for 100 yuan, and people rushed to buy it.
5. Wang Xizhi/KLOC posted a translation of classical Chinese on 0/7. Sima didn't leave today, but he got the first book as a comfort to show the number of the first book. How can I wait a long time to become a hermit? Seventeen posts is Wang Xizhi's famous cursive masterpiece, named after the word "seventeen".
The original ink has long been lost, and now the seventeen articles handed down from generation to generation are block prints. Zhang Tangyan Garden recorded seventeen original inks: "Seventeen are one foot and two feet long, that is, 107 lines and 943 words.
It's a famous post of xuanhe. Emperor Taizong asked for the books of two kings, and the books of Wang had 3,000 pieces of paper, with a rate of one foot and two feet, and the words of the book were volumes. "
This post is a set of letters, which according to textual research is addressed to his good friend Zhou Fu, the secretariat of Yizhou. It took 14 years to write a book from Yonghe three years to Shengping five years (AD 347-36 1 year), which is an important material for studying Wang Xizhi's life and calligraphy development.
A Qing man's bag has an article "seventeen posts" for reference. This post has been highly praised by predecessors.
For example, Huang Song Bos said, "This post is easy to escape, and the dragon is also in the book." Zhu Yue said, "Play with his brushwork and get rich calmly, but the weather is detached, and he does not want to get rid of it."
The so-called one by one flows out of your mind. Some people think that this post is "ancient brushwork, with the meaning of seal writing".
These comments are all to the point. In particular, the writing is leisurely and unconstrained by law, as if it flowed naturally from one's chest, which is the most profound and accurate.
Sun once said: "() has degenerated, and every effort should be made to become an adult", that is, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xizhi and the following all deliberately exert themselves in writing and deliberately express their artistic style, thus losing the natural beauty of writing. This kind of comparative comment is very enlightening for calligraphy appreciation.
/kloc-Sima Qian didn't go on 0/7, and I got the first book as comfort, and I got the first book to show the figures. I have been pregnant for a long time for the benefit of the people, so why wait for the first step? This seems to be a dream. I don't know how to know Longbao's safety without words, but I appreciate you meeting your uncle very late. Today I can pay tribute to silk, clothes and wealth. I haven't known the difference between a plan and the first step for sixteen years. For 50 years, there is nothing to think about, such as coming in summer and autumn, or coming back first. What can I say: after eating for a long time, it's still not as good as it is. Many times, I can get my cocoa back and protect my love, but I am disappointed and satisfied. I can't live without my uncle for five years. When Ye was late, I realized that I was close at hand, but I had no chance to save my life. But there was a sigh. When I was young, I thought it was a good idea to avoid and save gas, and the purpose of this letter is to ask Gao to treat deafness. There is a test: those who don't take the test are the medicine that Zhu Churen took, so they no longer believe it. Answering his book one step at a time today can make Bida take the first step. The government is 70 years old this year, and he knows that he has always been in good health. This Daqing also wants to be silly. I feel lucky to take care of people who lean down and push my ears, but I am afraid that the road ahead will turn around and force my ears to make me want to visit. Last summer, respect for the elderly was distributed, making them content with the status quo, enjoying the benefits far away, saving the land, mountains, rivers and Qiyang (the capital of Xiongshu) from Taiwan, and they were unprepared to learn from each other. So, if you tell the public that you want to meet some people, it will be a timely signal that you really want to set foot in the town. Fairy events, but translation: the heart is on the other side, salt wells and fire wells have their own shortcomings, and their horizons are not wide. The news shows that the first step need not be a minor problem. How comforting was Zhang Nian's first step? How far are the sons of Wuchang? How many times have you asked the old lady? Save lives, worry, worry, be content with the status quo, be quiet, and think about letting things happen the next day. (1 1) The country will express its feelings, and the enterprise will take a few steps. The mission Xie Renzu translated: How can I say that Yang (Yang) has a cloud, but Hu's mother went to Yongxing from her sister's safety, so she went for seventy years, and I urgently asked her maid-in-waiting for a letter. If you don't know where you are today, it's not easy to show that you knew it in the Han Dynasty. You drew this painting when you were in Han and Emperor. Since the three emperors and five emperors prepared paintings, they have been wonderful and impressive, and they have been able to draw. Those who don't want to copy, don't believe, tell you what to do, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions. Zhuge Xian once had a question about the events in central Sichuan. The scenery of the gates and houses in Chengdu was made by Sima Cuo in the Qin Dynasty, which made people think deeply, but they didn't believe it. (1 1) It means that they should be told widely. The first step is to be aware of salt, and the first step is to be aware of eating, but the first step is to be aware of eating. I hope I can make a successful speech, so I can't see you, so I can laugh. I need this herb. The sun is shining, and the clouds are clearing away. This kind of good fruit can be planted for his son. I am very happy that this kind of walnut was born. Nowadays, the only way to grow fruit in the field is to treat it as an accident. The first step is of great benefit to my son. He also knows whether there is a famous place and the situation of mountains and rivers is the reason why he can't stop looking. Yu Anji's past and today are often remembered as a general in the temple, and he is not eager to take the first step because of his old age.
6. "Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty translated a seven-year-old good book with a few words and a broad mind:
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, a few words, son of Wang Kuang. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. At the age of twelve, he saw the ancient "Pen Shuo" under his father's pillow and stole it. Father asked, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer. Mother said, "Look at the pen." Father thinks he is young and is afraid that he can't keep a secret. He said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi sincerely asked his father, "Give it to me now. If you wait until adulthood, I am afraid that you will bury your childhood talents. " Father was very happy and gave it to him. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress. After reading it, Mrs Wei said to Wang Ce, the Taichang official, "Xizhi must have read Bi Shuo. I recently learned his calligraphy. " With tears streaming down her face, she said, "This child will definitely be more famous than me." During the Jin Dynasty, the imperial court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburbs. When replacing the bamboo board, the worker cut off his words and infiltrated the board for three points.
7. Wang Xizhi pretended to sleep and translated 50 sentences in classical Chinese:
When the right army general Wang Xizhi was less than ten years old, General Wang Dun loved him very much and often arranged for him to sleep in his own bed. Once Wang Dunxian paid the bill, and Wang Xizhi had not got up. After a while, Qian Feng came in, screened out his men, and discussed things. He didn't expect Xihe to be still in bed, so he talked about the rebellion plan. When Wang Xizhi woke up, he had heard what they were saying. Knowing that he couldn't live any longer, he dug out the water, stained his face and bedding, and pretended to be asleep. Halfway through the discussion, Wang Dun remembered that Wang Xizhi had not got up yet. They were very alarmed and said, "I'm going to kill him." I opened the curtain and saw him throwing up everywhere. I believe he really slept soundly, so he saved my life. At that time, people praised his wisdom.
8. The original title of Wang Xizhi's book: "Wang Jinxi's Book", with few words, was a good book at the age of seven. Read the following excerpts from classical Chinese and complete 1-3 questions. Wang Jin Xi Zhi has few words, and it was a good book at the age of seven. Twelve saw the previous generation of "Pen Shuo" on my father's pillow and secretly read it. Hee and Father just laughed. My father saw it and was afraid that he could not keep a secret. Xihe said, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." Xihe's invitation said: "Use it now. If you treat adults like this, you will be afraid of shielding the children's young orders." My father is very satisfied with this. If you don't make a profit, your book will make great progress. When Mrs. Wei saw it, she said, "This son must see it." When the Jin emperor was in power, he sacrificed to the northern suburbs, and even the Zhuban (5) was cut by workers. Note: ① Kuang: Wang Kuang, father of Wang Xizhi; 2 "Pen Shuo": a book on calligraphy; 3 juvenile ling: a wonderful flower when I was young; 4 Mrs. Wei: calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty; Wang Xizhi studied calligraphy with her when he was young; ⑤ Zhu Edition: A plaque for offering sacrifices to gods 3. 8861According to the full text analysis, what is the reason for Wang Xizhi's success? 1.( 1) Full (2) Table Acceptance 2. This child will definitely overshadow my reputation in the future! 3. Gifted, fond of calligraphy, well educated.