336 characters in block letters.
As can be seen from the question, if you write two pages every day and write 24 words on each page, you will write 48 words in block letters every day. There are 7 days in a week. Multiply the number of printed words per day by the number of days of practice. The result is that the number of printed words practiced in a week is 336.
Block script belongs to the category of writing, as opposed to regular script in calligraphy, and generally refers to all handwritten fonts that are written stroke by stroke and are standardized and easy to read. King Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty said: "If you want to write, you should first dry grind, concentrate and meditate, anticipate the shape of the characters, make big and small, lean forward, vibrate straight, connect the tendons and veins, focus on the pen first, and then write the characters.