Write my father's poems, mourn my parents and give birth to me. The Book of Songs has neither father nor mother. The Book of Songs is the virtue of the father and the legacy of the son. Clear pronunciation and mellow voice, parents respected; Give children a good education. Don't be happy to have a son, and don't sigh without one. [Tang] Han Yuren sees that boys and girls are good, and I don't know that men and women are inspirational [Tang] Wang Jian's parents are on earth; The rarest person in the world, brother. Motto Lian Bi is the best parent in the world; Being a child is the greatest filial piety in the world. My father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed, caressed, nursed, nurtured, cared and answered me. In the Book of Songs, the father is unkind and the son is unfilial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unfair, the woman will be unhappy. [Southern and Northern Dynasties] Yan Zhitui did not have a good father and brother in his life, nor did he have a strict teacher and friend outside, but few people succeeded. [Song] Lv Gongzhu's parents do whatever they want, and I will continue to describe it; I cherish the thoughts of those parents.
"Motto Lian Bi" Lu You "to see the village children playing in the water" Rainy streams sweep the embankment flat, watching the village children playing in the water late. Bamboo and horses galloped away, and paper kites roared with the wind. In the third winter, I learned from Confucian scholars temporarily, and thousands of lotus roots were also cultivated from elders. Literacy is roughly equivalent to hard labor, and you don't have to work hard for fame. The grass is behind the mountain, so you have to hide the door when you go out all day. Every time I think of the flesh and blood beside me, I come to see the savage's children.