Notes on Shuo Wen Jie Zi:
Jia. Those who are blessed at home will also be blessed at home. Yiyue. A kind home. Be sure to celebrate. Emperor xiaowen of Han dynasty Today, I heard from Zhu Li, a temple official in Zhao Yue. All because of me. Like a spring moon. Li, Fu Ye. Jia Yichuan received Li Xuan's room, too. As the saying goes. Ying Shao noticed that Li was the meat left after the sacrifice. Lost. Learning from ancient times means that Li is a symbol of celebration. Although in the same department as Li and Gu.
However, righteousness also has a righteous side. Gigi Lai, from the inside. At home. Therefore, Xu Shi is a blessing to the family. It is different from Xi Li Xunji. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Gong He wrote Historical Records. The word ear. Some people are hairy. After understanding the cloud, if it is different or correct. Success is marginal. Ms. Daya Lille said. Li, Zhiya. Lill Gui Jun passed away. Lee, give yourself up. There are reasonable people. Yao Dian promised to do everything. From the inside Cut the heart. One.
In Historical Records of Confucius' Family, the Wangs took the mountain as their Li. This note is rich in sound.
There is also a "five-tone rhyme" to cut the soil, and the sound has a fetal sound. Place names. Ty or Lee, was sealed by Hou Ji.
And "vocabulary supplement" is the same as Lai. "Warring States Policy" cut Li and Ju together.
What is the centimeter unit?
1, length unit: 1 cm means one thousandth of 1 foot, that is, 1 cm = 0.033333 cm. The centimeter is one hundredth of the meter, the millimeter is one thousandth of the meter, and the length of 1 centimeter is smaller than the above two.
2. The unit of weight: 1 cm is one thousandth of 1 cm, that is, 1 cm = 0.03125g. Here, one kilogram is 500g, and one kilogram is equal to 16 instead of 10.
3. Area unit: 1% is one percent of 1 mu, that is, 1% =6.67 square meters. 1 mu equals 10 minute, 1 minute equals 10 cm, and an acre of land is about 666.67 square meters.
4. Interest rate unit: There are two common expressions of interest rate, one is percentage, and the other is "minute", "centimeter" and "millicent". For the annual profit, one percent is one percent; For the monthly profit, one percent is one thousandth.