The pronoun of age means that a person is 70 years old, that is to say, he can walk in the capital and the capital with crutches when he is over 70 years old. From the Book of Rites: "Fifty sticks at home, sixty sticks at home, seventy sticks at home, and eighty sticks at home."
Respecting the elderly is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. In ancient times, walking sticks were customized for the elderly. "Book of Rites Qu Lishang": "When a doctor does something at the age of 70, if he can't thank him, he will get a few sticks."
How old and within what range can I use sticks? "The Book of Rites" stipulates: "Fifty sticks are at home, sixty sticks are in the countryside, seventy sticks are in the country, and eighty sticks are in the DPRK. The 90-year-old son of heaven wants to ask, and it's in his room. " It means: at the age of 50, you can walk at home with crutches, at the age of 60, you can walk in the country with crutches, at the age of 70, you can walk in the capital with crutches, and at the age of 80, you can walk in and out of court with crutches.
Occasionally, the spelling of "Zhangguonian" should be misspelled, and the correct one is "Zhangguonian".
Extended data:
Ancient appellation
Gu Xi: It is not easy for ancient people to live to 70 years old. Du Fu said in a poem: "Wine debts are common, and life is seventy years old." According to this poem, later generations called seventy years old "seventy years old".
Seventy years old, the year of trailer and the year of hanging pole: all refer to seventy years old.
Di [dié]: Seventy or eighty years old, generally referring to old age. For example, the years of [Mao] and [De].
Year of the staff around: 70 years old. Year of suspension: 70 years old.
Happy birthday: it means 77 years old, and the cursive character is like 77, so it means 77 years old.
Dynasty year, dynasty year and [Mao] year of death: all refer to eighty or ninety years old.
Yao: It refers to eighty or ninety years old, and generally refers to old people, such as old women and octogenarians.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Year of Zhang Guo
Baidu Encyclopedia-age appellation