The original text and translation of Huan Xuanwu's "Ode to the Northern Expedition" are as follows:
Original text: Huan Xuanwu ordered Yuan Yanbo to compose "Ode to the Northern Expedition", which was completed. Sigh. At that time, Wang Xun was sitting and said: "If you miss one sentence, the rhyme of the word 'write' will be better." Yuan then sat down and took the pen and said: "The feeling is not endless in my heart, and I write alone in the wind." The king said: "Now I have to blame Yuan for this matter."
Translation: Huan Wen asked Yuan Yanbo to write a poem "Ode to the Northern Expedition". After the poem was written, Huan Wen and the wise men present read it together, and everyone was happy Congratulations on how well written it is. Wang Xun was also present at the time and said: "It's a pity that there is one missing sentence. It would be better if the word 'write' is used with full rhyme." Yuan Yanbo immediately took up a pen and added an impromptu sentence: "The feeling is endless, and the wind flows back." "Writing alone." Huan Wen said to Wang Xun, "Nowadays, we cannot but respect Yuan because of this matter." The reason why Duke Huan Wen praised Yuan Hong
According to historical records, the reason why Yuan Hong was praised by Duke Huan Wen was because his "Ode to the Northern Expedition" was well received. "Ode to the Northern Expedition" was written by Yuan Hong at the request of Huan Wen, describing the journey from Luoyang to Chang'an (today's Xi'an). This ode was read by Duke Huan Wen and the wise men present at the time, and everyone was amazed by its quality.
As for the reason why Huan Wen publicly praised Yuan Hong, it is likely that Yuan Hong was so outstanding in literary talent, rhyme and overall structure that Huan Wen recognized Yuan Hong's talent as worthy of special praise.
At the same time, Wang Xun was present, and he made a suggestion, saying that this poem seemed to be missing a sentence. Yuan Hong immediately added a sentence to make the whole poem more perfect. This ability of improvisation and the spirit of accepting criticism also impressed Duke Huan Wen of him, further enhancing his reputation.
2. Constant temperature information
Huan Wen (312-373), courtesy name Yuanzi, was born in Longkang County, Qiao State (now Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province). The son-in-law of Sima Shao, Emperor Ming of Jin Dynasty, and the eldest son of Huan Yi, the prefect of Xuancheng. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he was a politician, military strategist, calligrapher, and powerful minister. His official rank was Grand Sima, and he was granted the title of Duke of Nanjun.