Throughout the history of the country, all surnames are the same clan, and all different surnames are the same origin; Exploring the origin of the clan, there are hibiscus in Tanggu, and the surname of Yang is Ben Xuanyuan. From summer to week, spring and autumn are orderly. Established in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the surname of Ji was "Sanyanghou"; The princes were in chaos, and Zhou Wang was "Sanyangjue"; Fight for deer, live in seclusion in Huayin treasure land; Stubborn generation and prosperity of Hongnong Wang Jun. Yang in China has a clear pedigree, which is full of flowers.
The country is prosperous and the nation is prosperous. Qin and Han dynasties were unified, and poplar trees were auspicious. Yang Xixian sealed Hou, and Yang Chang became a family. Awesome! Qi Bo is cautious and independent, but he is gold, and his reputation is comparable to that of Gan Kun. Naive heirlooms are good training and arch the glory of the ethnic group. "If there is a good home, there must be Qing Yu." Virtue is born and admired by later generations. Yang's descendants, adhering to good self-cultivation, are proud of "four knowledge", and "four knowledge" is a hall with a quiet family style and a high-pitched family voice. The benevolent is like a dustpan, and the brave is like this and Jane. The benefits are endless, and Yang Xinghan is brilliant. In Qin, Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, "Four Generations, Three Publics" and "Three Yang in the Western Jin Dynasty" opened the chapter of China. A generation of famous emperors, Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, unified mountains and rivers, and stopped at the mountain. Open the emperor's prosperous time, unprecedented; "three provinces and six departments" and scientific research, civilization and prosperity first; The Grand Canal was opened, connecting South Lai and North Lai. Although Sui Yong opened the Tang Dynasty for a short time, the national movement flourished. Li Tang replaced the scenery of Sui and Yangmen. Yang Jiong, one of the four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty, joined the army, and his poetry was devastated. In the middle Tang Dynasty, Yang Yan was "a whip" to make innovation last forever. There were eleven phases in Yangmen, which blew up the glory of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Yang Ningshi, a calligrapher of the Five Dynasties, built a bridge between the calligraphy peaks of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Datang stands tall in the East, while Yang Ting Teng Gui blows Lanfang. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Men Yang was brilliant. There are Yang Chengzhai in literature and Yang Jiajiang in martial arts. Yang family is rich in righteousness, loyal to the country, and China is widely spread; Sincerely loyal to patriotism and worship, poetry and prose are as numerous as stars. Master of Neo-Confucianism Yang Shigong and Cheng Men Sydney are praised by later generations. Yang Weizhen's Iron Cliff Poems at the end of Yuan Dynasty were desolate. Yangmen Dynasty, a civil and military superstar, brought out the best in each other, decorated with * * *. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, humanity was fragrant. In the Ming Dynasty, he was a scholar, good at learning, leading Yang Rong and Yang Pu, diligent and cautious, and honest. "Sanyang served the imperial court" and ruled the world; Jiaoshan bears morality, and the iron pen violates the law. Former Qing Dynasty great talent, Yang Shen scholar Lang; Master Yang Luchan, Wushu contributes to people's health. These descendants are admired by the people!
Modern powers are like wolves, devouring whales and breaking mountains and rivers. Zhixian Yang, with the country. Iron shoulders bear morality, and hot blood recommends Xuanyuan. Enlighten the people's wisdom, lift the reform, "the six gentlemen of the 1898 movement", there are two people in Yangmen. Make China rich and powerful, overthrow the imperial system, create harmony in 1911, and make Hunan water the capital of Yangdu. Sickles and axes shine on the sun and the moon, and talents descend from heaven; The pioneer is the security guard. Changji Wei is a teacher and a frontier talent; Kaihui female hero, loyal and heroic; Since the tiger city, there has been a "military remonstrance", which is a righteous move to lift the sky; "Three Tiger Generals at Yangmen" was appreciated by the Prime Minister. The cock sings the Singapore dollar, and the descendants of Yangmen are more handsome. Children and grandchildren are ambitious and dance to the sky. Sichuan, Chongqing, Shang Kun and Bai Bing are diligent and brilliant; Zhenning put forward "non-conservation" and won the first prize in Chinese; Yang Shuo essayist, wonderful pen dare to give birth to flowers; Jiang Yang's popularity is good, and the literary world becomes everyone; Liping's true beauty lies in peacock dance, with both virtue and art. New century, Chinese dream. Interpretation instrument, United national prestige; Li Wei dares to take responsibility, flying high and ridiculing WU GANG; The country is strong and ambitious, and grassroots entrepreneurs become giants; Yuan Qing founded the Association and sailed with great ambition. Hey! Children and grandchildren are determined to ride horses and whip to meet Zhao Hui; National unity, Kun Peng flies to heaven again.
Hey, honey! Vast history, China's Yangmen, heroes come forth in large numbers, and Tengda is brilliant. Today's work is bright, the world is bright, the country is strong and the people are happy. Our descendants should pursue the future cautiously, hold high the virtues of our ancestors, revitalize China and write a new chapter.
Note: "Fusang" refers to the totem of poplar and poplar; "Zhou Wang named three princes of Yang Hou" means that the Zhou Dynasty successively named "Zhu, Gou and Bo Qiao" as Hou, and all three were honored as ancestors by Yang's descendants; "Qi Bo" means: Yang Zhen, the word Qi Bo; "Four knowledge" refers to; Heaven knows the earth, you know me; "Four generations and three publics" refers to Yang Kuan, Yang Zhen and Yang Biao in Qin, Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties; "Three Yang in the Western Jin Dynasty" refers to Yang Jun, Yang Huan and Yang Ji in the Western Jin Dynasty; "Eleven Dynasties" refers to the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty, such as Ren, Zhi Rou, Re Si, Wan, Yan, Si Fu, Shou, Xie and so on. "Yang Chengzhai" means: Yang Wanli,No. Chengzhai; "Jiao Shan" refers to Yang Jisheng, Zhong Fang, Jiao Shan; "Six gentlemen in the Reform Movement of 1898, two men in Yangmen" refers to: Yang Rui and Yang Shenxiu who died in the Reform Movement of 1898; "Three Tiger Generals of Yangmen" refers to the founding generals Yang Chengwu, Yang Dezhi and Yong Yang.