The local Wang Tuan has always taken a fancy to Nuosong and is willing to take the mill as a dowry to marry his daughter to Nuosong. I would rather be a ferryman than a miller. I want to marry Cui Cui. So the two brothers agreed to sing and propose marriage, and let Cui Cui choose. Tianbao knows that Cui Cui likes to send promises. In order to fulfill his younger brother, he went out to the beach and died unexpectedly. Northong felt responsible for his brother's death, so he left Cui Cui and ran away from home. Grandpa worried about Cui Cui's marriage and died on a stormy night. Leaving a person watching the ferry, waiting for the story of Nuo's return.
Extended data
Hong 'an Town in Xiushan is the prototype of Shen Congwen's novel Border Town.
Here, the folk culture of border towns such as Nuo Opera in Shiduo Village of Mengdong Village, Lantern Festival in Sanyang Village and Yang Opera in Liusha Village has been excavated. At the same time, according to the description in the novel, the border town tourist attractions were built and the border town tourism with the flavor of "border town culture" began.
In Xiushan City, there is a West Street with a length of 1000 meters, which is a street with national cultural elements. In the urban transformation, this street was preserved, rain and sewage were diverted, and the pavement of Qingshiban Street was restored.
On the basis of restoring the original style of the old street, "border town culture" is also integrated into it. On this street, members of Xiushan Couplet Society carefully created a number of couplets with border town culture flavor, which were then written by calligraphers and engraved on some landmark buildings and road lintels on the street. The plaques in all the shops in the street were written by calligraphers.
People's Network Inherited Lantern Dance? Create the hometown of calligraphy "border town culture" Runxiu Mountain