"Shi Cun"|Qin II (3)

£In the ninth month, Liu Bang, a native of Pei, raised his troops and established the state as Pei Gong.

Liu Bang, a native of Pei, was given the courtesy name Ji. Long Zhunlong's face, with seventy-two sunspots on the left thigh, loves to give to others, and has a clear mind. Be generous and don't care about your family or property. At first, he was the head of the pavilion in Sishang. His single father, Lu Gong, was curious about his appearance and took his daughter as his wife. I sent disciples from Lishan Mountain to the county, and many of them perished. When he arrived at Zezhong Pavilion in Fengxi, he stopped drinking. At night, he sent him away and said, "Everyone is leaving, and I will pass away from now on." There were more than ten strong men among the disciples who were willing to follow. Ji was passing through the swamp at night when he was drinking wine. He saw a big snake in his path and drew his sword to kill it. An old woman cried and said: My son is the son of the White Emperor. Now he was killed by the Red Emperor's son because he suddenly disappeared. Ji Su hid in Mangdang Mountain and there were some strange things. When the disciples of Peizhong heard about it, many wanted to possess him. When Chen She got up, Pei Ling wanted to respond with all his strength. The chief officials, Xiao He and Cao Shen, said: "You are an official of the Qin Dynasty, and I am carrying it now. I am afraid that my children will not listen, and I wish to call them to death." Outsiders could recruit hundreds of people to rob the crowd, but the crowd did not dare not listen, so Fan Kuai was ordered to summon Ji, who already had dozens of people. Pei Ling regretted closing the city, and Ji Nai wrote a book of silk and shot it on the city. He left Pei's father and elders to report their interests. The father and his sons led their children to kill Pei Ling to welcome Ji, hoping to take Pei Ling as his own. Ji said: The world is in turmoil, and the princes have risen together. Now the generals are not good, and they will be completely defeated. I am afraid that my weak virtue will not be enough to fulfill the important mission of father, brother and son, so I would like to recommend more worthy ones to each other. The elders all said: "I have heard that Ji's treasures and monsters are very valuable, and there is nothing better than Ji Ji for divination, so Liu Jiqian told everyone not to dare to do it, so he made Ji the Duke of Pei. Xiao Cao and others recruited Pei's descendants and got 3,000 people to serve the princes."

The calligrapher Chen Sheng did not follow Zhang Er or Chen Yu and established himself as king. The military minister backed Chen Sheng and stood on his own, but Pei Gong resigned first and the crowd refused, so he stood up. This is not an arrogant person. Therefore, the book has been established by many people, covering the world and returning, and is called the king. If it is not in harmony with heaven and man, it cannot be honored. At the beginning, Pei Gong did not have any ambition to defeat him, especially because he was favored by the public, he was good at this, and Pei Gong was born in cloth clothes, so Heaven showed him that he was rare and made everyone return to him. However, from ancient times, the sage kings only convinced people with their virtues and did not talk about treasures and strange things. Pei Gong has no saintliness, but God has decreed it, and he has no choice but to show it, which is also the meaning of the decline of the world. In later generations, every word of Fu Rui will be used to initiate the plans of rebellious ministers and traitors. A gentleman uses human affairs to test Heaven's will, and heaven's principles balance human affairs. The sacred knowledge is not passed down to the next generation, but it is about being familiar with differences and developing pure virtues. If human affairs are not cultivated, even heaven will be the same. It's unfortunate.

£Chu man Xiang Liang raised his troops to Wu

Xiang Liang, the prime minister, was also the Chu general Xiang Yanzi. He tried to kill people and lived with his brother and son to avoid enmity in Wuzhong. When he was young, he failed to learn how to read, so he left. When he failed to learn swordsmanship, Liang was angry. The book says: The book is enough to remember names, but the sword is not enough to be used against one person. Learn from the enemy. Liang Nai taught the art of war. He was very happy and knew a little about its meaning, but he was unwilling to practice it. Ji is eight feet long and can carry a cauldron. Kuaiji Shou Yin Tong heard that Chen She had risen and wanted to raise troops to respond to She, so he sent General Xiang Liang and Huan Chu to do so. At that time, Huan Chu died in Zezhong. Liang said: Huan Chu died, and only Ji Zhizhi had an ear, so he sent Zhao Ji to summon Huan Chu to keep his promise. After a short while, Liang Zhenji said: It can be done, so he drew his sword and beheaded the guard. Liang wore his seal and ribbon and summoned the powerful officials he knew. He raised the soldiers of Wuzhong to take over the county, and got 8,000 elite soldiers. Liang was the governor of Kuaiji, and his official title was Bijiang. He was twenty-four years old.

£Tian Dan, a native of Qi, established himself as the king of Qi

Dan, so he is also a member of the royal family of Qi. Together with his younger brothers Rong and Heng, they are both powerful and strong in their clan and capable of winning people. The city of Zhou went to Di, and the city guarded the fields. They bound slaves from a young age to the court. They wanted to pay a visit to kill the slaves and meet Di's order. Because of the death of Di Ling, he summoned the sons of powerful officials and said: "The princes all rebelled against Qin and established themselves on their own. The Dantian family became the king of Qi, so they established themselves on their own and sent troops to attack the cities of Zhou." Go ahead, take a brief eastward approach, and locate the entire land.

£Han Guang proclaimed himself King of Yan

Han Guang was from Zhao. Tian Dan sent Guang's troops to favor Yan, and the heroes of Yan wanted to make Guang the king of Yan. Guang said: "Guang's mother is in Zhao, so that's not allowed." The people of Yan said: Zhao is worried about Qin in the west and Chu in the south. Their power cannot restrain me, and Chu is so strong that they dare not harm the family of King Zhao and the general. How dare Zhao You'an harm the family of the general? After staying in Guangnai for several months, Zhao Feng returned with his mother.

£The military ministers of King Zhao were captured by the Yan army, and the Yan people returned.

The land that King Zhao, Zhang Er, and Chen Yulue occupied, came out between the kings, and was captured by the Yan army. Because of this, in order to cede territory, the envoys went to invite Yan and killed them. Some of the servants went to see the general of Yan and said: "You know Zhang Er and Chen Yu, how are they like people?" Said: A wise man. Do you know what your ambition is? Said: I want to get the ear of the king. Yangzu smiled and said: "You don't know what these two people want." Husband Wu Chen, Zhang Er, and Chen Yu went down to Zhao dozens of cities with their sticks, horses, and chariots. They all wanted to be kings from the south. How could they want to end up as generals?

Taking into account the situation, he initially decided not to dare to participate in the division and become the king, so he appointed military ministers first with his young elders. Now you are imprisoning King Zhao. These two people are named Qiu King Zhao, and they really want Yan to kill them. The two men divided Zhao and established themselves. The husband took one Zhao Shangyi, and Yan Kuang took the two virtuous kings to the left and lifted them to the right. They were responsible for killing the king and destroyed Yan Yi. The general of Yan returned to the king of Zhao, and returned to serve as a servant for the emperor.

Calligraphy has established itself as the king, and it is not recommended by the public. Therefore, the calligraphy of the name is acquired, and it is a shame to take it lightly.

(To be continued)

Edited by: Liu Qingping