Muttering, stupefied, suspicious, fidgeting, listless, indecisive, tongue-tied
Caught off guard, hesitant, embarrassed, lost, thoughtful, depressed, suspicious, fearful and angry.
Become angry from embarrassment, act in a daze, trance, rage, anger, anger, anger, anger, sigh, sigh.
Cry, cry, look, panic, panic, panic, frown, trance, frown.
Silence, gaping, depression, ecstasy, fear, sadness, grief and grief.
Cry bitterly, cry bitterly, be filled with indignation, feel like a knife, want to die, be utterly confused, be in a trance.
Tension, panic, anxiety, fear, emotional instability, heartbreak, worry, worry and unhappiness.
Unhappy, scared, heartbroken, regretful, indignant, depressed, discouraged, and disheartened.
Despair, despair, disappointment.