Yu, whose real name is Renshou, Longzhou. His father, Yu Qi, was a scholar during Zheng He's reign. As an official, he was transferred to Dr. Taichang and Tongchuan Road as a judge. I can recite the Nine Classics at the age of six and write articles at the age of seven. Because his father was in office, he entered the official position. When my mother died, I was too thin and sad. After being buried, I feel miserable in front of the grave in the morning and evening. There are two dead mulberry trees in the cemetery, and two crows have come to build their nests. I miss my father's loneliness and illness. I haven't changed my position for seven years and I can't bear to leave my father's side. After his father's death, Shaoxing was admitted as a scholar in the 23rd year (1 153), and was sentenced as the agent of Pengzhou (Pengzhou City, Chengdu), Lizhou (Hanyuan County, Ya 'an City, Sichuan Province) and Quzhou (now Quxian County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province).
Qin Gui presided over the state affairs, but many scholars in Sichuan refused. After Qin Gui died, Emperor Gaozong wanted to appoint them. China calligrapher first recommended Yu and called him to the stage. He said that the monarch must fear God, stabilize the people and follow the example of his ancestors. It also discusses the disadvantages of literati ethos. Those promoted by articles should restrain frivolous people, those promoted by discussion should abandon deceitful people, and those promoted by government affairs should get rid of harsh and mean people. Only in this way can they shoulder the heavy responsibility and achieve their great goals. In addition, the disadvantages of fiscal tax collection and management in Sichuan are also discussed. The emperor accepted his opinion with approval.
Appointed as a secretary (secretary provincial official) and promoted to the official position of the Ministry of Rites. Yan Hongliang, the ruler of the State of Jin, had the intention of invading the south by repairing Bianjing. Wang Lun returned to the DPRK and said that the enemy was obedient and made up. Downs retreated, congratulated again, and put the frontier defense armament aside without asking. When Shi Yisheng, the envoy of Xu Jinguo, revealed quite a lot about the enemy, Zhang Dao secretly played a role. Yan Hongliang secretly asked the painter to draw the scenery of Lin 'an (Hangzhou, Zhejiang) and return it. Yan Hongliang wrote a poem for this painting, and his true feelings became more and more obvious. Yu said briefly: "Jin Guo will definitely tear up the Covenant. There are five ways for the army to go out. I hope to order the minister to make a defense plan in advance. " It was the first month of thirty years (1 160). 10, the Minister of Industry was appointed as the image ambassador of Xu Jinguo, and a guest shooting ceremony was held with the reception minister of Xu Jinguo. An arrow hit the bull's-eye, and everyone was surprised at his skill. Yu saw many people carrying grain and building ships, so he bid farewell to North Korea. Wan Yanliang said, "I'm going to Luoyang to see flowers." After Yu came back, he played what he saw, heard and said, warning that he should pay attention to Huaihai's armament.
Awarded as a Chinese scholar and a straight bachelor's college. Senior officials of Sanya used eunuchs as successors, and Yu said, "Since ancient times, the power of kings has been in the hands of courtiers. Qin Gui usurped power for eighteen years, and it was not until Qin Gui's death that power was returned to your majesty. Recently, three words colluded with eunuchs to declare peace and enlightenment is not far away. " The emperor suddenly realized that he immediately dismissed them.
Jin Dynasty envoys Quan Wang and Gao Jingshan came to congratulate the birthday and verbally conveyed Yan Hongliang's arrogant words. They want Huainan land and consult with ministers. So Zhao Mi, the general of Sanyan, was called to discuss sending troops, and the left and right courtiers and admonishers got together to discuss. Prime Minister Chen conveyed the emperor's will: "Today, you don't have to ask about reconciliation or defense, just ask what to do in the battle." He appointed Cheng Min as the ambassador of Jinghu Lake, led 50,000 guards and guarded the upper reaches of Xiangshui and Hanshui River. Yu said: "When the army attacked, it didn't clear the way first. The enemy bluffed, dispersed our army and helped them leave the army. " Don't listen, finally sent to min. (1 16 1) In July, Yan Yanliang, the gold master, moved the capital to Bianjing, and Yu said to Chen, "Our army is about to March between Jiang (Jiujiang) and Chi (Chizhou). It should be ordered to be stationed in Chizhou when you arrive in Chizhou, and ordered to be stationed in Jiangzhou when you arrive in Jiangzhou. If the enemy attacks the upper reaches, let the soldiers of Jinghu resist in the front, and the soldiers of Jiang and Chi reinforce in the back; If we attack Huaixi, let Chizhou's troops send troops to Chaoxian, and Jiangzhou's troops send troops to do nothing, which can be used as backup for Huaixi. Such an army can be used for two purposes. " Chen agreed with him, but his troops were eventually stationed in Wuchang.
In September, the State of Jin appointed Li Tong as the viceroy and built a floating beam on the Huaihe River. The king of Jin personally led the troops, with millions of troops and yurts and tents connected, and the sound of golden drums was endless. In October, I crossed the Huaihe River from the vortex mouth (the mouth where vortex water enters the Huaihe River, in the northeast of Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province). Before that, Liu Kun dealt with the East Huai military and the West Huai military. By this time, Wang Quanxian abandoned Luzhou (now Hefei, Anhui Province), and Liu Kun also returned to Yangzhou, which shocked and frightened both inside and outside the court. The emperor planned to go out to sea by boat, and Chen Li advised the emperor to go out in person. On the fifth day of this month, Ye of the Privy Council took command of the Jianghuai Army, and the rest were military advisers. Wang Quan fled from Hezhou (now Chaohu City, Anhui Province), and Liu Kun returned to Zhenjiang, losing the Huaihe River and its land.
On November, the state of Jin led an army to the quarry, and sent an army to seize Guazhou (now Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, opposite Zhenjiang). The court ordered Cheng Min to replace Liu Kun, Li Xianzhong to replace Quan Wang, and Liu Kun and Wang were all recalled. Ye accepted the will and ordered to go to Wuhu to urge the surrender of the royal army, and rewarded them with quarrying while the royal army was still quarrying. On the third day, Yu came to the quarry. The king had left and had not arrived yet. The enemy cavalry was everywhere. I scattered at 335500 towards the army, unloaded my saddle, tied my armor and sat on the side of the road. They were all defeated by the kingship. Yu felt that waiting would delay the affairs of the state, and immediately called all the generals. Loyalty and encouragement said, "Gold, silk, property and murder documents are all here, waiting for those who have made meritorious deeds." Everyone said, "Now someone has presided over it and asked for a life-and-death fight." Someone said, "You were ordered to reward the troops, but you didn't accept the order to supervise the war. Someone did something bad. Do you take responsibility? " Yu chide said, "It's a disaster for the country and the people. Where will I take refuge? "
When I reached the river, I saw a high platform on the north bank of the Yangtze River, with two red flags and two colorful flags inserted on it, and a yellow hood in the middle, sitting proudly below. The scout said that the day before yesterday, he killed a white horse and a dark horse to sacrifice to heaven and vowed to cross the Yangtze River and have breakfast in Tang Yulin tomorrow. Whoever crosses the river first will be given one or two gold coins. At that time, there were actually 400,000 enemy troops, twice as many horses, and the army of the Song Dynasty was only 1.8 million. So he ordered the generals to form a large array and divide the warships into five teams. Two teams patrolled along the east and west banks. One team stopped by the river and ambushed the elite troops to prepare for the battle. The two teams hid in the alley to guard against accidents. Just issued, the enemy has shouted loudly, and Yan Hongliang commanded hundreds of warships to cross Jiang Lai with small red flags. At the same time, 70 ships arrived at the south bank, matching Song Jun, and the army retreated slightly. When Yu entered the array, he patted his back and said, "Your courage is well known. Standing behind the array is a woman and a child. " Shi Jun rushed out waving double knives, and the soldiers fought to the death. Song Jun in the river also attacked enemy ships with sea urchin warships. The enemy ship was gradually sunk, half killed and half still fighting. It was getting late and they didn't retreat. Those who happened to be scattered came from Gwangju, waved the flag and rolled out from the back hill. The enemy suspected that reinforcements had arrived and fled. He also ordered a strong bow to chase and shoot, and defeated the enemy. There are more than 4,000 bodies, two people were killed by thousands of households, five people were arrested by thousands of households, and more than 500 people were Jurchen. The enemy soldiers didn't die in the river, but Yan Hongliang killed them all because they didn't leave the river. Tell the court the good news, reward the soldiers and say to them, "The enemy was defeated today and will definitely come back tomorrow." In the middle of the night, the subordinate generals sent troops to pull the ship upstream and intercepted it at Yanglinkou. On Ding Chou's day, the enemy did come, so they attacked on both sides, fought and burned 300 enemy ships. The enemy escaped and reported good news to the court again. Soon the enemy sent someone with a letter to inform the kingship, as if there was an agreement in advance. Yu Yunwen said: "This is a double spy." Still wrote back: "The kingship has been dealt with in accordance with the criminal law. The new general is Li Shifu (Li Xianzhong), who is willing to fight to the death. " Yan Hongliang was furious when he read the letter. He burned the dragon and phoenix car, beheaded Liang (the traitor, Liang Shicheng's adopted son) and two shipbuilders, and went to Guazhou. Liang is the person who suggested that Wan Yanliang cross the river.
When he arrived from Wuhu, Yu said to him, "When the enemy enters Yangzhou, he must be with the soldiers in Guazhou. Jingkou (Jingkou District, Zhenjiang City) is unguarded. I should go there. Can you send troops to help? " So he ordered sixteen thousand troops to Jingkou, and Ye also ordered Yang Cunzhong to lead his troops to Xiaguan to meet the enemy. When he returned to Jiankang, he said, "The enemy failed in quarrying and wanted to seize Guazhou. Now, our elite soldiers are gathered in Jingkou, waiting for them slowly and steadily, and we can win the first world war. Request a slight delay in the departure time of the emperor's carriage. "
On this day, Shen Jia came to Jingkou. The enemy troops were stationed in the Chuhe River, and three gates were built to store water, which was several feet deep and blocked Guazhoukou. At that time, all the forces of Yang Cunzhong, Cheng Min and Shao Hongyuan gathered in Jingkou, with no less than 200,000 people, but there were less than 100 dolphin boats, and Gechuan was half of the dolphin boats. Yu believes that warships should be used when there is wind, and warships should be used when there is no wind. I'm afraid the quantity is not enough. They collected firewood while the iron was hot, converted horse-drawn boats into warships, borrowed warships from Pingjiang, ordered them to guard the Chuhe estuary and the Yangtze River traffic arteries, and sent Miao to settle down as backup. On Geng Yinri, Yan Yanliang arrived in Guazhou. Yu and Yang Cunzhong inspected the test by the river and ordered the soldiers to ride back and forth in the middle of the Yangtze River, circling Jinshan three times and turning back and forth like flying. The enemy waited with bowstrings full and looked at each other in horror. Wan Yanliang smiled and said, "It's just a paper boat." A general knelt down and began to play: "The Yugoslav army is standing guard. Don't underestimate the enemy. We hope to be stationed in Yangzhou and plan the attack slowly. " Yan Hongliang was angry and wanted to kill him. He begged for a long time before hitting him fifty times. On the last day of B, Wan Yanliang was killed by his men.
At the beginning, Yan Hongliang was in Guazhou, and Yan Hongliang was even more annoyed when he heard that the coastal highway in Li Bao entered Jiaoxi (Jiaoxi Town, jiaozhou city, Shandong Province) and Cheng Min and other troops were going downstream. Go back to Yangzhou, call the generals, and agree to cross the river within three days, or kill them all. The generals consulted, saying, "There is a danger of drowning in advance, but there is no fear of being killed. What should we do? " A man named Wan Dai said, "Kill Lang Zhu, make peace with the Southern Song Dynasty, and go back to your hometown to live." Everyone said, "Yes." Yan Hongliang has an excellent army composed of purple velvet, which is always used for self-defense when not fighting. Everyone is worried about them. A man named Xiao Zheba lied to them and said, "The beauty money in Huaidong is concentrated in Hailing (Hailing District, Taizhou City)." And encouraged them to go, the excellent troops left, and Yan Hongliang was killed.
On the day of Bing Shen's application, the enemy retreated three miles and sent an envoy to make peace. Ji Hai, report to the court. When he was called into the palace, the emperor sighed and said encouragingly to Chen Junqing: "Yu Yunwen's justice and loyalty are out of his nature. He is really my Pei Du." Under the imperial edict, he was relieved of his post as a squire and went to the Huaihe River area to deal with things. After arriving in Zhenjiang, he played three tricks to recruit the Huaihe River, but there was no reply.
In the first month of the following year (thirty-two years in Shaoxing, 1 162), the emperor arrived in Jiankang (Nanjing, Jiangsu). Soon, he negotiated to drive back to Lin 'an, and sent Yang Cunzhong as the special envoy of Jianghuai and Jingxiang, and the rest as the deputy. Given, Mr. Scheeren in the book was handed over to the appointment of Yang Cunzhong, so he was appointed as the ambassador of Chuanshan. The imperial court said goodbye: "Jin Yan Yan Liang is dead, and the new Lord has just acceded to the throne. Their country was in chaos, and God helped our country recover. Peace will make the world feel sad, and fighting will make the world proud. " The emperor thought it was right. So he came to Sichuan to discuss with Wu Lin the plan to recover the Central Plains. Wulin attacked Fengxiang and recovered the Duke of Zhou (now Longxi County, Gansu Province). Xu Jin sent troops to fight for the newly recovered counties in Shaanxi, and the scholars in Shu wanted to give up these places, but they insisted on not doing so.
(June), Xiaozong took over the Zen position, and the court ministers had some comments on the affairs of the Western Regions. They thought that Song Jun could not cross Baoji in the east and Deshun in the north (now north of Longde County in Ningxia), and wanted to guard the newly recovered counties with loyal officials, so the imperial army retreated to Shukou. Yu's argument was unsuccessful, so Wu Lin returned to Hechi (now Huixian County, Gansu Province), probably because he wanted to give up Shaanxi completely according to the advice of his political adviser. The protests of Yuanji, Gu Ren and Taiwan Province echoed his statement. I played again, probably saying, "Recovery is not as important as Shaanxi, and all the newly recovered counties in Lu Wu in Shaanxi depend on Deshun for survival. Once you give up, there will be more ways to attack Sichuan. The advantages and disadvantages of Xihe (Xihe County, Gansu Province), Jizhou (now Wudu District, Longnan City, Gansu Province) and Chengzhou (now Chengxian County, Longnan Province, Gansu Province) are very significant. " * * * 15, I wrote another letter to Chen before and after, and Chen couldn't reply because his colleagues were restricted. The emperor was summoned to inquire about Shaanxi affairs, and he came to power with scruples, taking the straight bachelor of Hume Pavilion as the magistrate of Kuizhou, and soon ordered him to play things.
In the first year of Longxing (1 163), he entered the DPRK. As Shi Hao has always advocated abandoning the country, he immediately put his ideas into practice while waiting for a visit, and personally wrote the imperial edict. There is a saying: "Abandoning chicken ribs is not much, but it can avoid the endless greed of the enemy." When he entered the DPRK, he said, "There are eight conditions for using troops today." When the emperor asked to give up the land, Yu drew a picture on the ground with a hand board and stated its shortcomings. The emperor said, "This is Shi Hao's fault." As Fu, he was appointed as Taipingfu (now dangtu county, Maanshan City, Anhui Province), and soon he was appointed as the Minister of War and the ambassador of Jingxi, Hubei Province, and later changed to the direct ambassador.
At that time (the second year of Longxing), the court sent Lu Zhongxian to the State of Jin to make peace. (Left) Tang Si withdrew from Tang Zhou (now tanghe county, Nanyang City, Henan Province), Dengzhou (now dengzhou city, Nanyang City, Henan Province), Haizhou (now Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province) and Sizhou (now Sixian County, Anhui Province). He published a letter saying that Tang Zhou and Dengzhou were not dangerous and could not be considered. I went there five times. When Downs recovered from his anger, he said, "All this is because his interests are not close to himself. He talks big to gain a good reputation and harms the country. Is the event of the ancestral hall club the same as acting? " The emperor decided to decide. On the surface, Shangsi asked to be summoned, but in fact he wanted to get rid of him. Yu handed in the official seal, asking not to give up Sizhou and pleading for retirement. Under the imperial edict, the bachelor of Xianmoge was appointed as the magistrate of Pingjiang Prefecture (now Suzhou, Jiangsu Province). Downs pushed the final decision and negotiation, and delivered it to Tang Zhou and Dengzhou.
The following year (10), the nomads from the army came again, and Tang Situi was reprimanded. The emperor regretted not listening to moire. It is also recommended that you can reuse it and award a bachelor's degree in Duanmingtang, and sign a book with the Privy Council.
In the first year of Avenue (1 165), he was appointed as a member of the Privy Council. This autumn, the ruler sent Wan to discuss this matter, which was arrogant and rude. So he asked to kill him, but the court had different opinions and did not do so. It happened that the money was taken from Li Hong's jade belt, and he was implicated in it. He was dismissed by the suggestion and became a Taoist priest in the Western Regions.
In February of three years, he was called into the court and ordered to know about the Privy Council and participate in the discussion of state affairs. After Wu Lin died, the emperor told him, "Wu Lin is dead. I'm afraid Wang is not familiar with military affairs. No one can go instead of you. Don't be pedantic like Zhang Jun, and do things one by one in the army. " He became a cabinet scholar and a special envoy of Fu Xuan, Sichuan, and then he wrote a letter to the Privy Council. I went back to Sichuan for a month, called the imperial court and went to Sichuan a few months later. The emperor's father (Song Gaozong) gave him a handwritten ode to a sage. The emperor wrote a postscript for him, bid farewell to the imperial court, and gave him a pair of shoes and armor he wore.
After passing through Yunzhou (now Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province), I invited to build Huangying Mountain City. After Xiangyang (now Xiangfan City, Hubei Province), I asked to repair the city. I went to Hanzhong in August and arrived in Mianyang (Mianxian County, Shaanxi Province). In September, I went to Yichang (now Zhao Hua Town, Yuanba District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province). I have personally received nine admonitions before, and when I arrived in Sichuan, I was honored to deal with them all, especially the military and political affairs, as an urgent matter. Last week, the troops were reviewed and verified. According to the order of strength, they are divided into three classes, the first class prepares for battle, and the middle and lower classes prepare for military supplies. The old and the young don't count. Ten thousand soldiers were wiped out, and the military expenditure was reduced by four million. Those who have contributed to the elimination of soldiers will be assigned vacant positions. Xing zhou (Lueyang County, Shaanxi Province) and Yangzhou (Yangxian County, Shaanxi Province) are militia. In the early years of Shaoxing, there were 70 thousand people. In the Battle of Dasanguan (also known as Sanjianguan, located on Dasanling, 26 kilometers southwest of Baoji City), the generals refused to issue armor and drove them to fight in front of the government forces, and almost no deaths occurred. Chao, the commander-in-chief of the Luzhou Route Army, was ordered to verify that there were more than 23,900 people. He also got the rules of Shaanxi archers and compiled a book with reference to Shaoxing time system for officers and men to abide by. Give the management right to Zhang Song, and Tea and Horse Department is divided into Sichuan Division and Qin Division according to the old system.
At first, in the Privy Council, Sheba complained about cleaning up the people in the army, and Yu once asked Sanyan to comfort them. At this time, 20,000 people from Jinzhou (Ankang City), Yangzhou City and Xingyuan City (Hanzhong City) (who entered Shanxi in the Southern Song Dynasty) have stopped their way and complained about the suffering of imprisonment. I gave them the commons to enable them to revive their livelihood. Trying to make friends with enemy generals Jiang Ting and Bai Yi, the imperial secretary Wang Sizu was recruited to make friends with foreigners in order to get the golden man, and the foreign monk named Liu Biao went with him, but in the end there was no result. At that time, fourteen counties such as Qionglai (now Qionglai City, Sichuan Province) and Shu (now chongzhou city City, Chengdu) reported famine, and the famine was sixty-five, so Jianzhou decided to offer 50,000 yuan as a reward.
In August of five years (1 169), he served as a right-hand servant, an official of Pingzhang, and an envoy of the Tang Dynasty under the same book. I recommended many famous figures, such as He Wang. When he became prime minister, the registered talents were divided into three classes, and what he saw and heard was written down and named "Material Library Record". The emperor hired all the recommended people, such as Zhou Bida, Wang, Zhao Ruyu, Chao and Li Dao, the most famous of which are. The emperor was worried about the excessive shortage of property of soldiers, and negotiated with him to get rid of the officers in the Three Cliffs and get rid of the redundant names. The three armed forces have no complaints.
For six years, he asked the palace to stay against the emperor's wishes. The emperor was very angry. Chen Junqing stood by in the Zhejiang Pavilion and didn't give him an answer for two days. So I asked for an audience and tried to discuss the truth of decency and politeness with the minister. He bowed down before his bed many times, so he ordered Chen Junqing to sentence Fuzhou.
Fan Chengda was appointed as a supplicant because of the emperor's mausoleum. The ruler refused, and the scouts reported that the enemy would use 300 thousand cavalry to send the moved grave back. There was a lot of discussion inside and outside the imperial court, and General Jing and General Xiang all asked for more troops. Yu said: "Jin Guogang accepted Yan Yanliang's lesson and will never send troops easily. This is just to scare us. " So I went to stop it. There was a lot of discussion on the field, and I stood still, and the enemy finally made no other moves.
Since the death of Prince Wen Zhuang, the Crown Prince has not been established. In the play, I earnestly stated many times. In the first month of seven years, the titles of the two palaces were presented. After discussion, it was decided that the third son of the emperor, Gong Wang Zhao, was the Crown Prince, and Prince Zhao Kai, together with Wu Xiong and Baoning Army, sentenced Ningguo House to our time. The Crown Prince soon became Lin 'an Yin. Ma Junsi, the bodyguard, used to release his horse in Lin 'an. Yu believes that the narrow place is not conducive to grazing, and requests to order grazing in Zhenjiang. In case of emergency, cavalry can cross the river at any time. The three armed forces complained bitterly, and later the official also used this as a reason for impeachment.
He was dismissed by Taiwan Province officials, so he was left as a banquet. Zhu was recommended, and the emperor asked if he knew Zhu. Yu said that Zhu was no worse than Cheng Yi, so he summoned Zhu, but Zhu could not come. The Drum Inspection Institute binds the writer with six rules. I tried my best to say that he couldn't do this and obeyed him.
On the occasion of celebrating the festival (filial birthday), Wu Lin, the special envoy of Xu Jinguo, answered Tianxi and went to the court to meet him. He is the son-in-law of Lord Xu Jin, and he is very arrogant. He must ask the emperor to get up to meet the Lord of Xu Jin. If the emperor refused, Wu Lin couldn't kneel down when answering the heavenly seal, and the courtiers were caught off guard. So he asked the emperor to return to the palace by hand and told him, "The hand has already started, so we can't go to the harem any more. The special envoy will follow Ban Chao to celebrate his birthday early tomorrow morning. " Xu Jinguo's envoy stepped down in shame.
(Avenue for eight years, 1 172) The emperor changed his position to the prime minister because of the incorrect names of his servants. In February of eight years, he was appointed as Tejin, the left prime minister and Liang Kejia as the right prime minister. Jade once recommended Liang Kegu to succeed him, but the emperor did not allow it. This month, due to illness, I requested the removal of the Tang dynasty and recommended Liang Kejia, who is quiet and steady and has the attitude of a prime minister. To serve as prime minister together. The emperor issued an imperial edict, saying, "I want to use my military adviser as my minister. What about Cao Xun? " Yu thinks that Cao Xun's character is humble and mediocre, so he can't be appointed. Then Zhang said that he signed a book about the Privy Council, and the right king Xilu and Taiwan Province officials impeached him. The emperor was very angry with Wang Xilu, so he laid hands on him and said, "Give him a horse prison in a bad place far away." I returned the imperial edict, which made the emperor even more angry. Liang Kejia said: "Wang Xilu's talk about Zhang is the discipline of Taiwan Province officials; It is also the major policy of the country for Prime Minister Zuo to save Wang Xilu. " The emperor's anger eased slightly, and finally the punishment for Wang Xilu was lightened.
In April, Xiao Zhimin impeached Yu and wrote a letter for Yu, in which he committed the crime of guarantee. The emperor went to Deshou Palace to see him, and the Emperor Tai Shang said, "Where was Xiao Zhimin when he was quarrying stones? Don't let Yu leave. " So the emperor asked Xiao Zhimin to leave the court and wrote poems on the fan to keep him. Yu advised Xiao Zhimin to be upright and requested to recall the court to clear the way. The emperor thought his words were very generous, so he wrote them down in Current Affairs Magazine.
The emperor ordered the admonisher to answer Li, Lin Guangchao and others. All three of them were honest, and they were respected by people at that time because of their literary talent and knowledge, so they were recommended, and there was no reply for a long time. Dí recommended a person, gave it to Kodi, and was promoted to a doctor of advice. So he argued with Liang Kegu, and no one listened. Yu urged to leave his post, and was awarded the titles of Shao Bao, Wu 'an Army and Sichuan Ambassador, and became a Duke Yong. When the court said goodbye, the emperor told him the general plan of invading and recovering lost territory, and agreed to meet in Henan one day. Yu advised: "In the future, we should guard against inconsistencies inside and outside the imperial court." The emperor said, "If the troops on the western front send troops and I am still hesitating, I will lose you;" If I have acted and you are still hesitating, you will lose me. The emperor went to the main hall, poured wine and gave him poems, and gave him sacrificial vessels in the temple. "。
Nine years, to Sichuan. A large army sends five dou of rice a month, which is not enough to support the family. I took out the company's money to buy 300 thousand meters and calculated the population growth. Seven rules were laid down for horses, and horses of the common people were collected, and children of good families were selected to prepare for war. At first, there was a man named Colin on the northern border. Tens of thousands of people gathered in Shangzhou (now Shangzhou District, Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province) and Zhouguo (now lingbao city City, Henan Province). During his administration, he came to Sichuan and wrote a letter to him. He didn't answer, just defended them. Kou's plot was soon discovered, and Kim secretly sent someone to arrest him. Ye Heng reported to the emperor, and Yu defended himself, so he asked for a refund of his salary, which was not allowed.
The emperor once said to Yu: "The humiliation of Bingwu (the first year of Jingkang 1 126) should be mutually assured destruction with the Prime Minister." He added: "I am not as rich as Emperor Taizong in my career, nor as rich as Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing." So he replied that the emperor was engaged in the great cause of restoration. When he went to Shu for a year, the date of the invasion had not been set. The emperor gave him a secret imperial edict to urge him. Yu said that the materials needed by the troops were not ready and the emperor was not happy.
Xichun died in the first year (1 174). Four years later, the emperor came to Baishi to inspect the troops on a large scale. Seeing that the soldiers were all young and strong, he said to the assistant minister, "This is the effect of Yu being eliminated." Soon, a letter was posthumously awarded to a teacher with the title of loyalty.
Yu Yunwen, handsome and majestic, is six feet four inches (about 2 meters) tall, generous and ambitious, and has regular words and deeds. At first glance, others know that he is a great player who can take on heavy responsibilities. In the early years, because of my article, I learned to be in Tiger. Later, when times were difficult, I debuted for nearly 20 years, tireless, loyal and diligent. I have annotated the Book of the Tang Dynasty and the History of the Five Dynasties and kept them at home. Ten volumes of poems, three volumes of spring and autumn handouts, twenty-two volumes of lectures and fifteen volumes of internal and external chronicles are spread all over the world.
There are three sons: Yu Gongliang, Yu Gongzhu and Yu. Eight grandsons are all good at self-cultivation, among which Yu Jian is the most famous. Jiading was summoned to the DPRK during the years, and was finally sentenced to be imprisoned in Lizhou Road.
(For the original text, see History of Song Dynasty, Volume 383, Biography, Volume 142, Biography of Yu)
2. Translate Du Chuan:
Du, a native of Xiangyang, Xiangzhou, is the great-grandson of Du Shutian Bi, the secretariat of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. When I was nine years old, I could write articles. When I grow up, I am knowledgeable and famous. My cousin's Chinese book makes Cen Wenben respect others. Jinshi Ji, later transferred to the court. During Xian Heng's reign (670 ~ 674), he served as foreign minister. Pei Xingjian, assistant minister of the official department at that time, was at odds with Li. They simply met with the official department of Jia's foreign minister to cater to Pei Xingjian's intention, and sealed the memorial to the crime of Li. Emperor Gaozong hated his cronyism. Sima was simply demoted to Kaizhou and died soon. Yi Jian is very good at writing articles, including five volumes of Miscellanies of Yushitai and twenty volumes of Collected Works, which were circulated at that time. Simple cousin Du Shenyan.
On the recommendation of Jinshi Branch, Shen Yan initially served as the county commandant of Qiaoxian County. He is good at writing five-character poems, and his calligraphy is skillful, brilliant and famous. However, he was jealous and hated by people at that time. During the official seal period, Su Weidao served as the assistant minister of Tianguan and tried the officials who participated in the selection. After the trial, he said to people, "Su Weidao will die." People asked him why, and he said, "Su Weidao will naturally die of shame when he sees my judgment!" He once said to people: "My article can make Qu Yuan and Song Yu my officials; My calligraphy pen and ink should be respected by Wang Xizhi. " He is so arrogant and grandiose.
Later, he was transferred to Luoyang County. Convicted of something, he was demoted to Jizhou to join the army and was at odds with his colleagues in this state. Sima made it clear to Mu En, the chief of staff of Sima Guo, and put Shen Yan in prison, ready to kill him. Then Ji Zhong and others were drinking in the state capital, and Du Yan's son, who had just turned thirteen, came to assassinate him with a sword. . Jizhong was injured and died, and everyone was killed by people around Jizhong. When Ji Zhong died, he said, "I didn't know that Tao Zhen said there was such a dutiful son, so Guo Moruo let me go here." I did say that I was dismissed for it. He returned to Du Dong and personally wrote an article to worship DuDu. The relatives and friends of the literati mourned Du's filial piety and fortitude, Su Zhong set an epitaph for him, and Liu promised to help them write a memorial. Later, Wu Zetian summoned the judge to prepare for the promotion and asked him, "Do you like it?" Judging the words and dancing to show gratitude, he wrote "Ode to Joy" according to the imperial edict, greatly appreciated and praised it, and was appointed as Lang. Soon transferred to the Ministry of Food as Foreign Minister. In the early years of Shenlong (705), he was found guilty of associating with Zhang Yizhi brothers and exiled to Lingnan. Soon, he was called up to imperial academy to study for a part-time bachelor's degree in the Literature Museum. Died in his sixties. There are ten volumes in the anthology. The second son's name is Du Xian. Du Fu has a son, Du Fu, another biography.