Format written in the lower right corner of the book

Write a signature in the lower right corner, usually your name. unit. and date. You can fingerprint and sign. or stamped.

Sample signature format: The calligraphy signature format is: creation time, creation place, author's name, gift recipient, and reason for creation.

The format of signature - there are two types of signature: "double style" and "single style". The double style means that the recipient of the book and the writer are placed above and below respectively. The former is the upper style and the latter is the lower style. The first paragraph states the name, source, and name of the recipient of the work; the second paragraph describes the year and month of creation, the place of creation, the name of the author, etc.

If there is a lower paragraph but no upper paragraph, it is called a single paragraph. A single paragraph may include the contents of the upper paragraph, or it may not include the contents of the upper paragraph. If there is no recipient for the gift of the book, only a single payment will be made.