Inscription of Zhongshan Wang Fang Hu

It is a fair method that Zhongshan Wang accidentally chose Yan as a pot in the fourteenth year. For god's sake, worship the first king. Mumuji, Jin Yan dare not waste it. Because of its beauty, it shows the advantages of the emperor and belittles Yan's shortcomings as an example to the king. Only I am the ancestor of the emperor, and I was admitted. I have a pure moral heritage.

To future generations, only me. Kindness, filial piety, kindness, talent, ability, and no regrets in heaven. Only by letting talents help Zhou can we help each other. I know it is loyal, but it is a full-time country. Just drink water and feed at night, don't worry. Zhou tried his best to help the monarch break the monarch, regardless of his heart, was assisted by the state, worked day and night, and took measures to promote the sages. The future was bright. Caught by swallows, the princes of righteousness and righteousness were not distinguished, but were translocated. In the Mainland, Zhao Gong's legacy is absolutely lost without sacrifice from its former king. In appearance, it will worship the temple of the son of heaven, and retreat will be better than meeting the prince. If you go against the sky, you go against the sky, and I am wrong. Zhou Yue: I don't know how to be a minister and oppose his sect. I can't bear to see me standing side by side with my king, longer than my teeth. Zhouyi followed the doctor's advice to Jing, but he was arrogant and disobedient. Yan is a gentleman, a new gentleman, rude and righteous, and does not distinguish disobedience, so the country dies and no one can save it. Therefore, the position of the monarch and the minister is determined, and only when the body is up and down can we succeed and create a government. The son of heaven never forgets his honor, so that he can always reward Guan Zhong and the princes to congratulate him. In the matter of Fugu, the holy king gets the sage and then the people. Therefore, the words of courtesy and respect, the deep feelings of wisdom, the relatives of sages and the attachment of the people. Oh, what a promise! The postscript of the Ming Dynasty requires a pot, but when reading it. Tell your heirs. Only adversity can lead to disaster, and only prosperity can lead to happiness. Simple strategies include avoiding inheriting the king. Only virtue is attached to the people, only righteousness can be long, and sons of sons and grandchildren can be used forever.