Only the three ancient kings (Yu Xia, Shang Tang and Wu Zhou) knew that they could reach Wang Ye and really become kings. It was the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period who knew that they could not succeed in Wang Ye and gained hegemony. Someone once said, "Those who fail in their attempt to achieve Wang Ye will achieve hegemony at the worst."
Alas! If Qi Huangong and Jin Wengong are allowed to do what Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang did, it will be too late for them to bring about their own destruction. Even if they want to dominate, can they succeed? The so-called kingly way cannot be used in small places. If used in large places, it can reach Wang Ye; If used in a small place, it will be destroyed.
At that time, Xu Yanwang and Song Xianggong used to be benevolent, but in the end they brought their own destruction and lost their country. Why? Because what they pursue is not enough to satisfy what they pursue. So if there is a way to win the world, but there is no idea to win the world, then we can talk to him about kingliness.
Fan Li, a doctor from the State of Yue in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Fan Li, a doctor from the Western Han Dynasty, were not wise ministers who assisted Shang Tang and He, but they were also resolute and courageous people, with outstanding talents, who took their time when things happened and were able to do what they should do. Look at Fu Cha, the king of Wu, trapped in Gusu City, begging Gou Jian, the king of Yue, for help. Gou Jian once wanted to pardon him, but only Fan Li thought he couldn't. Then he beat drums and attacked Gusu, and finally killed the king of Wu.
When Ji Xiang broke through the encirclement and fled to the east, Gaozu also wanted to stop fighting and return to the west, but Sean remonstrated: "This is the fate of Xiang Yu, so hurry up and don't miss the opportunity." Both historical figures believe that a little benevolence is not enough to change our military plan. Alas! Le Yi was a hero of the Warring States Period. He didn't know the real king, but he heard of the king privately, which was enough to make him perish.
Everyone said that it was because Yan was not smart enough that she was used by the enemy, used a double spy, and replaced it with riding robbery, and finally escaped from Yan. They think that the failure of cutting Qi is entirely the misfortune of fate, not the fault of his command. However, assuming that he was still in power at that time, even if Qi's double agent failed, it would eventually fail.
Why is this? Because Yan's annexation of Qi is not in the interests of Qin, Chu and Sanjin (Zhao, Wei and Han). Le Yi is now attacking the defeated troops in two cities (Juan and Mo 'an) with millions of troops, but it took several years to win, and the army has gone for many years, so some enemies will take advantage of his national strength. The princes made an internal insurrection and attacked abroad. By this time, even if Jiang Taigong and Tian Mao are still alive, they will fail.
However, in a few years, he captured the two cities with a hundred times enemy, not because of his lack of ingenuity and strength, but because he planned to make the people of Qi submit with the way of righteousness, so he could not attack the city mercilessly, leading to such a result.
Because the people of Qi are suffering from the tyranny of kings, if Le Yi retreats at this time, stops the war, manages government affairs, relaxes taxes and labor, lets farmers return to their hometowns, and lets the elderly and children live a stable life, and the people of Qi no longer have the will to fight, then who will Tian Dan's people use to fight with him? Why did Le Yi confront two small towns with millions of troops for several years without a decisive battle? This is why Qi can plan this matter slowly.
During the Warring States period, a powerful country annexed a weak country. Is it just me Yan Guo? Led the armies of Yan and Qi to besiege the two cities and step up their attacks. Have the determination to destroy the enemy before eating. Who would say no? Oh, dear! If you want to be king, you should be king. If you don't want to be king, you must understand your position. You can't lose both sides and make everyone laugh.
Extended data:
In the lower case of On Le Yi, Liang Mo has an inscription: "In December of Yonghe 4th year (348), the book was paid to the government and slaves". It is said that the original stone was buried in Zhaoling with Emperor Taizong, or when Wu Zetian was in power, the book Yue Ji Yi was scattered in Princess Taiping's home, stolen and burned in the kitchen for fear of being hunted down.
Wang Xizhi said to Wang Xianzhi in The Theory of Gestures: "There are two books, The Theory of Music and the Theory of Gestures, which I am very interested in. Don't broadcast it to the outside world, keep it secret, and don't show it to friends. " He used his carefully created theory of "Yue Yi" as a model and the theory of "Gesture" as a theory, which inspired the understanding of reality and falsehood and led him into the right track of calligraphy.
It can also be seen from the existing books that the strokes are smart, horizontal and vertical, changeable and urgent; Large or small in structure, positive or lateral, closed or contracted; The distribution is vertical, not horizontal. Generally speaking, I saw charm and showed vitality in silence.