Huaye calligraphy

You have to see who his wife is His wife is Xie Daowen, the daughter of Xie An's brother Xie Yi. Her works include Ode to Mount Tai and Ode to the Analects of Confucius. Xie An chose Wang Ningzhi as his son-in-law. Wang Ningzhi was not chosen, but that son was even more unsuitable. This Wang Ningzhi doesn't matter, let him go.

At first, Xie Daowen simply despises Wang Ningzhi. She said that Gu Jie, from old to young, is an outstanding talent, handsome and extraordinary, and his family is so dazzling. How can he marry a mediocre man? Rainbow would rather. If Wang Ningzhi is really different from Wang Xizhi, his poems are mediocre and his words are mediocre. Don't blame Xie Daowen for disliking him.

At first, Xie Daowen really despises Wang Ningzhi. In Xie Daowen's mind, he doesn't have any benefits at all. Xie Daowen feels very talented and has emotional intelligence. This Wang Ningzhi is too ordinary. Two people don't match at all. Even Wang Xizhi's son is a timid son. He was wronged to marry such a loser, but this was the beginning. Later, they met and got married, and it was different immediately.

After marriage, they have four sons and one daughter, and they love each other very much. It can be seen that although they are biased at first, they will get along very well, and they can be regarded as "talented people" with beautiful women!

I think Xie Daowen has resigned. After all, it was Wang Ningzhi who got married. I can't help it It's enough to marry this loser. After marriage, they may also show love on the surface. Wang Ningzhi's talent in this life is not high, but he is also very famous. His first name is Marry Xie Daowen, and his second name is His Absurdity. He believes that "body blow" was finally killed by Sun En who shared his belief.