As the saying goes, if you are a top scholar in three hundred and sixty skills, as long as you surpass most people in a certain aspect, you are enough to be called a talent. In ancient times, China's wine culture was relatively popular. Whether it was a wedding or a funeral, a dinner party between friends, or even an emperor's banquet with ministers, wine was inseparable. During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, an envoy from a vassal state came to pay tribute. Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, asked a minister to accompany him and asked: "How is Aiqing drinking?" The minister was very calm: "I have never been drunk." The emperor was happy If it doesn't work, let him go drink with her decisively.
The minister’s name was Zeng Qi. He was born in a peasant family in Jiangxi. He had been very sensible since he was a child, helping his parents cut firewood and feed pigs. Zeng Qi was smart and studious. He passed the imperial examination in his twenties. People in villages all over the country said that he would become a high official in the future. In 1404 AD, which was the second year of Yongle, Zeng Qi carried a few rags and some dry food on his back and went to Beijing to take part in the joint examination. He entered the finals with first place and Ming Chengzu personally served as the examiner. Palace examination.
After reading Zeng Qi’s test paper, the emperor was deeply impressed by his talent and gave this evaluation: "Through the classics and history, he can understand heaven and man. He has the knowledge of teaching and loyalty. Sincerity. Promote the world, show off our civilization, and show our talent and talent." In this way, Zeng Xichan Palace discounted and was appointed as the number one scholar. Afterwards, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty put the great talent Xie Jin in charge of compiling the "Yongle Dadian". Zeng Fei was appointed as the vice president, second only to Xie Jin in status.
As a talented Zeng Qi, he was proficient in poetry, calligraphy, and he was very similar to the poet Li Bai. Before writing poems, he always liked to drink heavily, half drunk and half drunk. He wrote popular poems while awake. Yang Shiqi, the first minister of the Ming Dynasty, once praised Zeng Qi's poems and prose: "Like the spring in a garden, all the fragrances are blooming. The splendid scenery is beautiful, playable and enjoyable. The style of poems and chants must be styled by the people of the Tang Dynasty. Wherever the excitement comes, the pen keeps moving." "The work of writing is extremely interesting."
According to historical records, Zeng Qi developed the habit of drinking from a very young age. Relatives and friends who were familiar with him admired his drinking ability. He was so impressed that he even gave him the nickname "Bacchus". After becoming an official in the imperial court, Zeng Qi would only drink a few drinks alone after get off work in order to prevent him from getting into trouble due to drinking. His colleagues did not know much about his drinking capacity.
One day, an envoy from a certain vassal country came to pay tribute. This man claimed that he would never get drunk after a thousand cups. Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, thought he was too arrogant, but he could not kill him directly, otherwise he would not be worthy of being a big brother. style. So, after arranging a residence for the envoy, Zhu Di called all the civil and military officials, hoping to find a minister who could drink, suppress the envoy's prestige, and let him see what it meant to truly stay drunk after a thousand cups.
The ministers looked at each other, knowing that this was not a good job. If they were drunk by the envoys of the vassal country at the wine shop, they would not only lose face, but also damage the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty. Demoted. When Ming Chengzu saw that no one took the initiative to go, he said angrily: "Aren't you all good drinkers on weekdays? Why are you giving in now? Do you want me to take action personally?"
At this moment, Zeng Qi stood up, expressed his willingness to go, and promised to knock the envoy down. Since Zhu Di didn't understand Zeng Qi's drinking capacity, he asked with some worry: "How much do you drink?" Zeng Qi said three words very confidently: "No matter the amount." "That is to say, I have never been drunk since birth. Zhu Di almost jumped up with joy, and immediately asked Zeng Di to teach the ignorant envoy a lesson.
Drinking from noon to midnight, the foreign envoy He was so drunk that he fell into unconsciousness, but his expression remained unchanged until noon the next day. However, he was still unconvinced and called Zeng Xi over to drink with him. Zeng Xi thought to himself: "Yesterday I was drunk. I've always asked you, but if you dare to challenge today, don't blame me. "This time, the envoy was even more drunk than yesterday. He slept for three days and three nights, but Zeng Qi was still not drunk at all. The envoy was convinced of Zeng Qi's drinking capacity and never dared to drink with him again. p>
When he went to court, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty rewarded Zeng Qi and his family, and praised him in front of all the civil and military officials: "Not only because of his talent and learning, but with his ability to drink, Zi Qi (Zeng Qi) is also worthy of being our emperor." Number one scholar. "From then on, the ministers all knew that Zeng Qi was too good at drinking, and no one dared to challenge his drinking capacity.