2. Ji Yun (1724.7.26-1805.3.14), whose name is Xiaolan and whose name is Chunfan, was deceased, Taoist, and was born in xian county, Zhili (now Cangzhou, Hebei). Politicians and writers in Qing dynasty, officials in Qianlong period. Li Guan went out of the capital as the suggestion, and the Ministry of War, does not, co-organizers, university students and Prince Taibao were in charge of imperial academy affairs. He was the editor-in-chief of Sikuquanshu.
Ji Yun studied Confucianism, read widely, wrote poems and essays, and was especially good at textual research and exegesis. Being an official for more than 50 years, he was brilliant and energetic when he was young, but his inner world was increasingly closed in his later years. His Notes on Yuewei Caotang is the product of this mentality. His poems were collected by later generations and compiled into Ji Wenda's Public Legacy Collection.
In February of the 10th year of Jiaqing (AD 1805), Ji Yun died of illness. Because he was "sensitive and studious, able to write, and did not award political achievements" (inscription by Emperor Jiaqing), posthumous title Wenda was called Wenda Gong in the village after his death.