How about Xinmin Primary School in Liang Dong Town, Lianjiang City?

Xinmin Primary School in Liang Dong Town, Lianjiang City was registered in Lianjiang City, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province. The registered address is located in Baigegang Village, Guidun Village Committee, Liang Dong Town, Lianjiang City.

The unified social credit code/registration number of Xinmin Primary School in Liang Dong Town, Lianjiang City is12440881456258472e, and the enterprise is in the opening state.

The business scope of Xinmin Primary School in Liang Dong Town, Lianjiang City is to popularize nine-year compulsory education.

See more information and materials of Xinmin Primary School in Liang Dong Town, Lianjiang City through the survey of caring enterprises.