Liu Chan regarded him as a loyal minister, so later generations often referred to Zhuge Liang as a loyal minister and Zhuge Wuhou. Zhuge Liang is the representative of loyal ministers and wise men in China traditional culture. He devoted himself to his life and died.
Zhuge Liang's life, work and rest did not form a law. When he was young, he was wild, or boating in rivers and lakes, or visiting monks and Taoists, or visiting friends in villages, or playing music and playing chess in the abode of fairies and immortals. Irregular diet, irregular sleep and lack of regular physical exercise. "Sleeping in the thatched cottage in the spring, sunset outside the window" is a portrayal of his life.
After Zhuge Liang followed Liu Bei out of the mountain, he lacked necessary physical exercise. Because every time he fights, he "hands the feather fan and sits alone on the unicycle", keeping his body in a posture for a long time will inevitably affect the digestion of food. In addition, Zhuge Liang is a workaholic who forgets to eat and sleep, which increases the burden of gastrointestinal function. By the time of the last attack on Wei, Zhuge Liang's appetite had seriously declined. This information happened to be learned by his sworn enemy Sima Yi. He said, "How can Kong Ming eat less and worry about things for a long time?"