Which one is legally binding, the letter of commitment or the letter of agreement?

Both the agreement and the letter of commitment are legally binding. The difference between the two is that the agreement is made based on the consent of both parties, while the letter of commitment is made based on the unilateral expression of consciousness. Agreements and commitments are legally valid as long as they do not violate mandatory provisions such as laws and regulations, and the expression of consciousness is genuine and not under coercion.

As long as it is an expression of the true intention of the other party, there is no imposition or coercion, and it does not violate legal provisions, it is a valid contract or commitment letter, which can at least play a role in proving force. If the opposite party is at fault again, it will suffer losses even if it does not make a promise legally. A promise is a fact, and the content of the promise is consistent with the legal provisions. It can be regarded as a valid act. The parties and the opposite party should fulfill their promises. Legally speaking, is supported.

Legal basis: Article 471 of the "People's Republic of China and Civil Code"

The parties may enter into a contract by way of offer, acceptance or other means.

Article 472 An offer is an expression of intention to enter into a contract with another person. This expression of intention should meet the following conditions:

(1) The content is specifically determined;

(2) It indicates acceptance by the offeror, and the offeror is bound by this expression of intention.

Article 473

An invitation to treat is an expression of hope that others will make an offer to oneself. Auction announcements, tender announcements, prospectuses, bond raising methods, fund prospectuses, commercial advertisements and publicity, sent price lists, etc. are invitations to offer.

If the content of commercial advertisements and publicity meets the conditions for an offer, it constitutes an offer.