0 1 Wang Anshi and Ouyang Xiu exchange poems to express their love for each other. As an afterlife, Wang Anshi should kowtow to his superiors in order to stay in Beijing. The great writer Shi, even if he went to other places to be an official, kept the corresponding position in Beijing. But Wang Anshi did the opposite. He just doesn't want to be an official in North Korea. Even if the court promoted him, he refused He thinks it's good to be a county magistrate in the local area.
In this way, Wang Anshi's fame is relatively large. At that time, Ouyang Xiu was a literary leader and a political adviser in the Northern Song Dynasty, equivalent to vice premier. On the recommendation of Ceng Gong, Ouyang Xiu became interested in Wang Anshi's works. In order to express his appreciation for Wang Anshi, he even wrote a poem for Wang Anshi: 3,000 romantic poems by Hanlin and 200 articles by the official department. Self-pity is still there when you are old, so who is competing with your son? The new state of Zhumen dance, the green dust tries to pluck the strings. I often hate being famous because I don't know you, and I will be with you when I meet you.
The general meaning of the poem is that the article written by Xiao Wang is better than that written by Li Bai and Han Yu. I am old, and I will be an excellent person like you in the future. The hope of literary reform in the Great Song Dynasty depends on you. It can be seen that Ouyang Xiu is very fond of Wang Anshi. He even thought that the future of the literary world in the Northern Song Dynasty depended on Wang Anshi. Of course, Ouyang Xiu also said this to the Su Shi brothers.
As a junior, Wang Anshi will not lose face to the big leader even if he is horizontal. So after receiving this poem, he also wrote a poem back to Ouyang Xiu: I still want to spread morality, but I am poor at learning articles. If one day we can catch a glimpse of Mencius, how can we dare to look at the Han Palace all our lives? After picking out my clothes, I fell into a spacious seat, fearing that I would have a false name and felt that it was inappropriate to be praised.
Wang Anshi's words are very domineering. He told Ouyang Xiu directly that he didn't like writing articles, that he wouldn't follow in Ouyang Xiu's footsteps, and that he wasn't interested in making any reform in the literature of the Northern Song Dynasty. Ouyang Xiu didn't feel angry when he read the reply. Instead, he felt that Wang Anshi was a man of great backbone, and he wouldn't follow the trend. He would certainly be able to gallop politically in the future, so Ouyang Xiu didn't attack Wang Anshi in his official career.
Ouyang Xiu was criticized by the imperial court for opposing the young crops law. Ouyang Xiu's private life is controversial. Even if he thinks he has no deviant behavior, he can't bear such strong pressure from public opinion. Soon after, Ouyang Xiu took the initiative to propose a diversion to the court. Beijing can't stay any longer, so it's better to be a carefree person at the local level. That's a good idea. After Song Yingzong's death, Song Shenzong came to power. He is an emperor who has the courage to reform and forge ahead.
Therefore, he began to reuse Wang Anshi. Ouyang Xiu was 63 years old when Wang Anshi set foot in politics. He found that there was something wrong with the young crops method. Young crops law is a law in Wang Anshi's political reform. In the past, farmers who had no money would try to borrow usury from landlords. Of course, the interest on borrowing is relatively high. Wang Anshi thought of a way to let the people borrow money directly from the court, and the interest rate was lower than that of the people, which not only solved the problem of high interest rate, but also increased the income for the country.
This is a good strategy in itself, but government officials everywhere have begun to tinker with it. In order to improve their performance, they forced ordinary people to borrow money, even those who were not short of money. This is like pulling a banner saying that if you don't install ETC, you are not welcome to get on the expressway. Now things are in trouble, but Wang Anshi is in the middle, and he can't see these. Those reformist officials can't see this, and only good performance at the local level can double the revenue of the state treasury. Therefore, Ouyang Xiu strongly opposes this reform strategy and is unwilling to implement the Young Crop Law in his own jurisdiction. He even wrote to ask Song Shenzong to completely abolish the young crops law. This incident offended Wang Anshi, and as a result Ouyang Xiu was criticized by the whole country.
Ouyang Xiu retired early, just to keep the New Year's Eve. Did Wang Anshi try to help Ouyang Xiu? I don't think so. However, the whole country criticized Ouyang Xiu by name, and it is also true that Wang Anshi did not object. People who were grateful in adversity now end up like this. Wang Anshi has no guilt at all. His official became bigger and bigger, and he became the prime minister of North Korea. At this time, Ouyang Xiu had to turn around and pat Wang Anshi's horse. When Wang Anshi became prime minister, Ouyang Xiu wrote to praise Wang Anshi.
Self-sustaining wind festival, since the number was slandered, even begging for gratitude at the age of 60, the emperor needs to write a letter to Fu Xu. And keep Qingzhou, but also to please stop scattering young crops, because An Shi is contemptuous, so he seeks to return to the cutting. Xining four years, and Prince Shao Shi as an official. Five years, died, presented to the prince, praised Wenzhong. -History of the Song Dynasty
But something happened during this period, which showed that Wang Anshi didn't like Ouyang Xiu. At that time, because Ouyang Xiu was famous and qualified, he was the prime minister. So Song Shenzong asked Wang Anshi if Ouyang Xiu could be prime minister. At first, Wang Anshi only praised Ouyang Xiu's ability, but when asked this question, Wang Anshi expressed a clear attitude, that is, no.
I don't think Wang Anshi here has the idea of hitting people when they are down. He just thinks that Ouyang Xiu is an old school who opposes political reform and doesn't want him to destroy his great cause of political reform. After that, Ouyang Xiu was finally disheartened and chose to resign and go home. He knows very well that as long as Wang Anshi doesn't nod, his Ouyang Xiu career will be over. It's better to step down on your own initiative than wait for someone to kick you out.
Summary: There were many disputes between scholars and gentlemen in the Song Dynasty, which was admirable. Wang Anshi and Ouyang Xiu ended in this way. In fact, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang did not deal with it. Sima Guang studied history all day and was also a serious old school. Therefore, when Wang Anshi reformed, Sima Guang expressed his opposition. After the objection was invalid, he plunged into the pile of books and wrote a History as a Mirror. But every time the emperor asked about Sima Guang, Wang Anshi gave a thumbs-up and was an outstanding figure. A few years later, Sima Guang successfully wrote a book and Wang Anshi was dismissed from office.
After Sima Guang was reused by the Queen Mother, when the Queen Mother asked what kind of person Wang Anshi was, Sima Guang praised Wang Anshi assiduously. Sima Guang abolished all Wang Anshi's new laws, but he didn't mean to belittle Wang Anshi at all. This is the concept of right and wrong of the literati in the Song Dynasty, which can be rushed. But once in private, maybe two people still admire each other. So they don't usually do it behind their backs.
Song Shi