Text/Wang Demin
The Analects of Confucius: Zi Gong asked the Japanese: "Why did Confucius call it Wen?" Confucius said, "I am quick and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. It is called' Wen'." Therefore, my school is named Minxuetang, which integrates calligraphy and painting, collects children, preaches and teaches.
? Ningdu was the cradle of Hakkas in ancient times. Since the Qing Dynasty, scholars have cultivated the legacy of Yi Tang, which is well known in China. Luo Mu's painting art has always enjoyed a good reputation in ancient times. Fujian School was founded by Wang Demin in Ningdu. "Be quick at what you do and be tolerant of what you say", Fujian School adheres to the spirit of sages, intensively cultivates art, and tries its best to teach thousands of children.
Calligraphy is the path, and avenue is the foundation of doing things. What's more, the ancient sages were all based on highly respected people. "The breeze and the bright moon are priceless, and there is love near the water and distant mountains." An artistic thing must be done all its life, in order to feel its exquisiteness, sweetness and sourness, and realize its realm. Confucius said, "Take Tao as the basis, virtue as the foundation, benevolence as the basis, and art as the tour", "Being knowledgeable in literature, making an appointment with courtesy, can also be a husband!" In the new year, I will remember it.
Wang Demin, a native of Meijiang Town, Ningdu, is a member of China Calligraphers Association, a director of Jiangxi Calligraphers Association and a member of the jury. Vice Chairman of Ganzhou Calligraphers Association, artistic consultant of Ningdu Calligraphers Association, consultant of Ruijin Calligraphers Association, expert of the first government special allowance in Ningdu County (top talent).
Wang Demin participated in the national calligraphy exhibition organized by China Calligraphy Association.
In June 2006, 5438+0 1 "The First National Handwritten Calligraphy Exhibition" entered the exhibition.
In 2007, the 9th National Exhibition entered the exhibition.
In 2006, "The Second China Calligraphy Lanting Award" entered the exhibition.
1997 "the seventh national exhibition of young and middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting works" was selected.
1998 "The 7th National Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition" entered the exhibition.
1998 "The Second National Book Fair" entered the exhibition.
In 2000, the Third National Book Fair entered the exhibition.
In 2000, the "Fourth National Calligraphy Exhibition of Couplets" entered the exhibition.
1997 "China Calligraphy Exhibition in the New Century" entered the exhibition.
Gold Award in the 5th Jiangxi Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition.
The third Jiangxi Youth Calligraphy Exhibition won the second prize.
"Guo Xin Cup National Calligraphy and Seal Carving Competition" won the first prize.
The first national Weibei Calligraphy Competition won the second prize.
The artistic resume was selected in dictionaries such as Who's Who in the World, and published calligraphy reviews in magazines such as Jiangxi Daily and Calligraphy Appreciation.